Comment history

ted4bz says...

The sooner people lose this deep trust, and die hard dependency in government, or politicians, the sooner things will be better.

On Without a home five years later

Posted 31 August 2024, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

The colonizers say DO
The colonies say DONE

ted4bz says...

This is what one world auto would look like if we succumb to it, accidental and deliberate schemes. We don't need this

ted4bz says...

If they trying to start this foolishness up again, it won't work, they'll never pull it off without the cooperation of Russia and China. As far as they are concerned, they can forget it, the US will never be able to pull this off. The world is divided into two, the US uni hegemony rules base order, known as the G7, versus the fair world order of the multipolar world headed by Russia and China, and the rising of BRICS. Russia and China are no longer playing in the US arena, they've got their own world. If the Bahamas want real independence, stability and sovereignty, then it must find a way to escape being forced to dabble around in the US charades and schemes that are wrecking the world.

ted4bz says...

No, don't go there. The US unilateral decisions are tearing the world apart, nothing they are doing is helping. Just look at the recent troubles they brought on Ukraine, Palestine, and Europe, And before that Yemen, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all of Africa and Latin America. Once again, they're returning to the Caribbean. Where does it all end? Let the US deal with the problems they made by themselves.

ted4bz says...

The day will come when we'll regret signing up to this, it's nothing other than a recipe for further disunity. This should have been something left up to each individual, not law. Furthermore, there were enough moral laws to protect everybody, we didn't need anything other. Give the globalist an inch, and they take a mile, the more you give, the more they want, they will never stop, nor be satisfied. We should've never allowed yourself to be lured into another globalist trap.

ted4bz says...

The US all over the place making trouble for everyone. We can mind our own business, now stop it.

On US: Bahamas not equal for women

Posted 23 April 2024, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

"Davis suggested yesterday that divorce is the solution for women who believe their spouse has raped them." And that's that. Enough.

ted4bz says...

What for?

ted4bz says...

Are we finally finding our balls and coming to our senses? Look, I know, speaking out at this point may not do any more than being silent. However, it sends a message, the Bahamas like other nations are ready to move away from the US reckless actions, behaviour, and anti-human rule over this planet. This behaviour is extremely toxic and over the edge for any civilized people to want to continue in this direction with the US, the EU and the G7 (the gang of 7), for that matter. Whatever madness this is, nobody should dear prescribe any part of it for the future of this planet. Everything is transitioning to a multipolar world, away from the US unipolar lateralism. If ever there was a time to stand up, this time is now. BRICS is the alternative, and now that there is an alternative, let's get on board, with BRICS.