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ted4bz says...

Do what I do, I ignore them, they are pointless

ted4bz says...

Yep, but first they'd have to show up to work to work, not just to play big shot, and look for favors..

ted4bz says...

61% of us vax free and kicking! If the shots protecting the vaccinated, what is protecting 61% of us two years later?

ted4bz says...

Not until the state department give the green light, until then your government can only beg as you pressure. It is a political thing, always was. Lucky for those who got placebo up their arms, too bad for those who got the toxin in their veins, better for those who resisted, it was all political, we saw it from the start. Still is.

ted4bz says...

Some strategy! If small leaderships were not leading us down the valleys of the shadows of death and destruction then the “X’s” of small nations would be at least a crack in Russia’s glass ceiling, not a chance, it does not come close. Or, since the US and the EU combined failed to stop Russia from functioning or to make it crash at will by pushing it out of some 6000 global organizations, then, those small insignificant, heavily dependent, and controlled nations will render even less effect. Western small satellites states are not even a blimp on Russia’s radar.

Now to a little history. Strategically Russia have always out witted the US and its western partners, single handedly (see WW2 and events before). Russia have already exited the confines of western dictatorship and control, not many nations can do this and go on existing day after day. It will not be the first nor second time that the RUS, these Eastern Slavic people are starting over, there is a long history of these people starting over and beginning again from nothing, on their own. The west intentions to sanction a nation that has already planned to leave western organizations to construct its own means the west is sanctioning (downgrading) itself and so are all nations bundling into a corner of a cornered empire. “Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.” It is obvious this applies to today’s western leaderships and all poodle nations following it.

On Bahamas sanctions Russian finances

Posted 14 March 2022, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Yep, for decades I warned the public but no one’s listening unless they are being entertained and served. All these people do is play with the public. These people are not there for the public, they are here for the money cartels. Stop depending on them. stop asking them for things or to do things. Otherwise, they will use the public, pretend empathy in public and then laugh behind closed doors.

ted4bz says...

It means 61% of the population have sense not to bother with this toxic US jabbing campaign. It also means 61% of us survived two years of a '"nothing burger" virus. We made it this far. If they do not attack us with those syringes make it even further.

On Concern remains on vaccine hesitancy

Posted 10 March 2022, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

The US got Iran and Venezuela dead wrong and y’all got in that the wrong way. The US got this Ukraine thing with Russia dead wrong too, they already backed themselves hard into a corner. The future is a mutual partnership with the east. The west as leaders of the global surveillance dictatorship is done. So best y’all save face and stay out of that.

ted4bz says...

Here we go again!!!!!

Yeah, and Juan Guaido is president of Venezuela, and covid vaccine stops covid. How gullible! The moment the US media starts blabbering the political narrative everyone goes on parroting the nonsense without know anything. Stop the nonsense and learn what this Ukraine thing is really about.