Comment history

ted4bz says...

C19 was a charade, not a crisis.

ted4bz says...

The US creates conflicts around the world, then orders other nations to go deal with it. The multipolar world is on the way, make haste Russia and China, make haste.

ted4bz says...

Anyone who attacked the bouncer, gets bounce. But, when your not in charge of your country you get you are bullied around by the big bad bully. What do all nations need to be in charge of their nation the way the Russians, Chinese and Iranians are in charge of their nation? Oh yeah, missiles, fighter planes, drones and of course nukes. Until then bouncers cannot do their jobs and neither can the leaders of nations, they will always have to satisfy the bully by saying and doing immoral things and unlawful rules to satisfy who is really in charge. Make haste Russia and China, make haste.

ted4bz says...

They need to stop all this US anti-human global childish charades and let's get back to some form of civilized normality.

ted4bz says...

If this is a US plan (heads-up) against us, for whatever reason, we don't need to shoot rockets at them, even if we had them. What they have planned (for themselves, or), against us; they can do it themselves, or just simply claimed we did and the world will either turn the head or go along with the claim.
If this thing were to happen to us, well, we shouldn’t feel bad if we are abandoned. After all, we are as equally guilty as the world that might abandon us to this US claim against us. For decades, we have gone along with almost all the US claims, falsehood, blames, and provocations against other nations. An example is Venezuela; when the then prime minister return from a trip abroad announced to the nation that Juan Guido is president of Venezuela, rather than the elected president Nicolás Maduro. How come? How did that happen? It happened because the US said so, and the PM went along with it, even though no election took place for the people of Venezuela to decide this. The thing is, it was not the PM alone who went along with the US, many officials and citizens of this nation did. So now, it seems the tide might be turning for us, against us.
The US and their globalist masters has layers of plans for every Nation on this planet, be it small or large , be it weak or powerful, be it rich or poor, whether friend or foe. They intend to make these plans their reality, one way or the other, and they are not backing down. We can ignore it all, minimize the issue, explain it away, cut and run out of fear an uncertainty, or get our house in order to be ready for anything, and at any time …

On Davis: Desantis rocket remarks ‘misguided’

Posted 29 November 2023, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

These globalists and globalist agents need to watch their mouths and behave themselves. Anyway, I already cancelled my Christmas holiday trip to Florida, they don't need my pennies.

On Davis: Desantis rocket remarks ‘misguided’

Posted 28 November 2023, 7:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

He should not have named any country. But since he had to, then why not Mexico, or Cuba. No, not Mexico, Cuba. Why is it so hard for him to name Cuba?

On Davis: Desantis rocket remarks ‘misguided’

Posted 28 November 2023, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

The globalist have become so in the open lately, they don’t just say these things for nothing. Their words and actions have become so hostile to everyone; they don’t seem to care what they say or how it might be perceived anymore. And that’s the scary part. But, now that he has said it (more than once), the main question is, what for? What if their twisted minded enemies acted out this scenario based on his remarks? What favor do they owe us not to flatten us? Do you think $2 billion would be enough for the state of Florida with a GDP of $1.4 trillion to grant us mercy? Not even close. Although he might appear to have been hypothetical, they're always up to something, who can truly say. The bizarre thing is, they always give a clue, as humor, in a riddle, or even backward, but, they always tell us what they will do, before they do it, and then they do it.

On Henfield says DeSantis remarks ‘distasteful’

Posted 27 November 2023, 10:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

The people want only the PLP and the F&M, there is no question about it.

ted4bz says...

An exploitation of the ignorance that the people portray and allow to exist so openly.