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ted4bz says...

If a politician says “SB is not being singled out”, well, what it means exactly is, sb is being singled out! Politicians always contaminate truths with lies. With all the advantage and advancements in communication today it’s simply insane for people to go on depending on politicians (or even preachers) for definitions, information and truths. its simply insain!

ted4bz says...


ted4bz says...

2] And entire nation The only friend to imperial America are the Zionist, and this does not mean the Jewish people nor their religious concepts of the meaning of Israel. The Bahamas is no different than the rest the allies of Zionist America, nothing but servants to master. Don’t do as your ordered and you and your nation of people will be sabotaged and severely punished (sanctions which are illegal by the standards of the Geneva Conventions of international-laws). But then again the negro people directing this nation are highly immoral people, they don’t care about laws. The only thing that means anything to them is holding on to power to get filthy rich with impunity. That is as easy to them as being obedient to the Zionist emperors of Imperial America. Ping, Papa, Perry and Phony all showed they have no problem with this. So that’s all he’s going to assure Trump, so that Trump get the neocons off his backside.

On PM set to meet Donald Trump on Friday

Posted 21 March 2019, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

1] Isn’t it something how nations such as Cuba, Venezuela, Russia , China, Iran, North Korea, yes and even Syria stands up to the mighty imperialist and single handily call their bluff. And yet, the Bahamas acts like a dog with its ears limp, head down and tail between its leg slowly inching to their master. And isn’t it so amazing how a single brave individual, Ilhan Omar does what this nation and all other nations with powerful armies are so afraid to do,WOW! But then again it takes a nation of moral leaders to do this, the only kind we have are those with personal agendas, you know those with the “me and my family, is all that matters to me” kind of people, that’s all we have around here, small minded. To the imperialist, absolutely nothing worthy can come out this kind of nation but slaves. And slaves we are.

On PM set to meet Donald Trump on Friday

Posted 21 March 2019, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Mikel, way to much CNN, You should cancel your subscription!

On PM set to meet Donald Trump on Friday

Posted 21 March 2019, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...


On PM set to meet Donald Trump on Friday

Posted 21 March 2019, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Those fellas watch to much cnn. histry is their enemy mainstream media is their best friend!

On PM set to meet Donald Trump on Friday

Posted 21 March 2019, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

here is someone who knows nothing, absolutely nothing at all. You watch to much CNN.

On PM set to meet Donald Trump on Friday

Posted 21 March 2019, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

737 Max’s that is...

On Bahamas has no Boeing 737 MAX planes

Posted 14 March 2019, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Prior to this computer feature how many airplanes in the past have stalled and crashed due to manual takeoff? Perhaps a few, but I don’t imagine many. If they decide to keep this feature apart of the auto takeoff, whether in manual or auto mode pilots should be allowed to leveloff the attitude of the aircraft manually while sill in takeoff before the computer auto features can be fully engaged. They have done this on older aircrafts without hassle, why change from this in the first place. Today, every feature of the aircraft is being automated, but the pilot should be allowed to be more involved in the operation of the aircraft other than a checklist and emergency procedures. This total computer automation system between pilots and machine is very scary.

On Bahamas has no Boeing 737 MAX planes

Posted 14 March 2019, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal