Comment history

ted4bz says...

With these guys in charge, to me "death is better than taxes". With them at the helm most of us are dead any-which-ways. Speak for yourself cronies, you don't speak for me.

On FNM blasts govt over proposed new tax

Posted 25 February 2015, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

It's a buddie buddie ring thats how we operate and get away. It's about who is who and who knows who. If you get that right you can do anything you like and get away with anything and nothing happens. What a country.

On Embassy warns homebuyers

Posted 24 February 2015, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

A Captain not in command of his ship is no captain!
"...department said it had concluded its probe into the crash. Investigators found poor decision making of the crew as they attempted to descend without seeing the runway was the probable cause..." Probable? Not good enough, if this is the report it is saying nothing!

The weather was bad with low descending fog and clouds a few hundred feet from the ground.
mygb fpo airport landing systems (ILS) were not working.
The aircraft did not contain adequate quantity of fuel, insufficient to safely divert and to an altinate airport.

The plane should have never left the Nassau Airport in the first place regardless to who order the plane to leave. The pilots were responsible for making the decision and should have refused to go.

All factors directly contributed to the crash, but the pilots are the main cause for going, not because they descended without the runway in sight; they had to descend to locate the runway. I hope this report is not the actual conclusion, it does not make much sense.

ted4bz says...

Do not be distracted Mr Mitchell - "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead." But do it right.

ted4bz says...

@ted4bz: @MorningBlend969 Whether the gambling or constitutional referendum it is unimportant to me. They will do as they like. I will not be USED.

On Govt incompetence blamed for referendum delay

Posted 19 February 2015, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Government can never fix this problem or no other problem for that matter. What is the change the thing that is the cause of the problem fix the problem.

ted4bz says...

Franchise holders are family members and friends of the politicians and their parties. Get rid of all the bus drivers not stopping on the bus stops today and you will have a brand new band of drivers tomorrow doing the same the. The problem is not just the bus drivers alone but the politician and franchise holders.

ted4bz says...

My last and final rights (before I die) is to see this country governed by qualify professionals (how to awake the sleeping masses) and to remove these childish, rogue, unprofessional, petty and sassy talking gangs from the seats and orbits of power.

ted4bz says...

"A bus stop should not be in front of a bank." This is very childish excuse and makes absolutely no sense. There are bus stops in front or near almost every banks everywhere in this country. The comptroller and minister need to be forthcoming and tell us what this is about.

It does not matter if there is no bus stop in front of a bank, buses pass by in front of all banks everywhere all day. Anyone going into a bank or coming out need only call out for bus to stop and traditionally the driver stops. I don't see this changing because they move a bus stop.

With the amount of uproars in this country we don't need another. Our police and courts are stretched to the max and this decision only places further load on our institutions.

Furthermore I wonder how many officials park and walk more than two blocks away from their offices everyday? Hmmm!

ted4bz says...

Dump cable I did 15 years ago its the least of our problems.

On Anger at proposed price rise for cable

Posted 30 January 2015, 8:22 a.m. Suggest removal