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ten195 says...

This story is a joke as usual they don't report the whole thing. As of this moment a man is lying up in the hospital because the so call car the taxi driver hit, hit an innocet car that was passing by resluting the car totaled and the person in hospital with his wife worrying about what the dmage is. Yes i commend the fact that they were caught, but they should not have been out in the first place. An innocent suffered in the end!

On Two arrested after robbery

Posted 5 March 2014, 8:42 p.m. Suggest removal

ten195 says...

I hate to say this, but I think our kids are enjoying these little sit outs the teachers are doing, because they are now free to do what ever they want with out parental or adult supervision (Like that every stopped them in the first place). But truely this could not have been the private schools, because those teachers would have been out of a job sadly by the next day. I just don't understand why at the beginning of the school year something always happens to our schools, wheather its the teachers, unions, students etc. I mean seriously is this really what our Government education is coming to? Is this really how our kids in these Government school growing up will rememeber how instead of teaching, the teachers just want to complain and make noise and cause problems and confusion. Which makes me wonder if any teaching really goes on in these schools, if they have time to plan to walk off their jobs and meet during school hours! **seriously!** And to top it off, if something were to happen to our kids because the teachers who were suppose to be in school watching them and teaching them, doing crap like this then what is going to happen then? Will they even stop and think of the consequence of their actions, or as usual find blame and point to their next door neighbour?