You missed the obvious point. The Dundas has been run by a tight group of private citizens whose zeitgeist is that they alone should drive the creative direction of arts -- especially the Dundas -- in this country. They have proven to be inept, exclusive and unfit to lead. I find it even more hypocritical that, once ago, one of the gracious receivers of the donation urged Bahamians not to vote for any government. Now she slurps up the spoils that the government has offered. What the government should have done was made the recent grant conditional on a change of the Dunda's leadership. Just like in politics and other vocations, there is a point of diminishing returns, and new leadership is needed. The current Dundas leaders should graciously bow, accept their flowers and exit stage left. The understudies are waiting.
No, it shouldn't be illegal. You earn your pension because you toiled for 30+ years - government should not be allowed to capriciously claw back pension. The issue is to ensure that there are enough qualified people to perform jobs so that any government does not have to re-hire retirees.
If you were to read the Securites Act, it tells you what they can do with the money - use it for financial education purposes only. They can't give bonuses or buy fancier furniture with that money. Geez, ya'll ignorant...
She is not a "former Bahamian rocket scientist". Firstly: 1) she is still a Bahamian, not formerly was one. So, if you wanted to indicate that she was a former rocket scientist, then you should have said a "Bahamian former rocket scientist".
Which leads to problem 2 - she is not a former rocket scientist. She will always be a rocket scientist. She is just no longer employed with NASA. It's like saying a CPA holder is no longer an accountant because he/she does not work at an accounting firm. The person is still an accountant.
I am trying to figure out why the ineptness of the Port Authority -- across multiple governments, including the FNM -- has anything to do with Fred Mitchell.
tetelestai says...
Exactly Socrates.
On Pintard says FNM would not let rehires ‘double-dip’
Posted 25 February 2025, 3:17 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
Straight to the comments I go!
On Cease order on Exuma moorings
Posted 24 February 2025, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
Bollocks. Hate the guy and the political party if you must. But this is just absolute rubbish, petulant spew that you are saying.
On ‘Absolutely confident’ govt to hit fiscal goals
Posted 24 February 2025, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
You missed the obvious point. The Dundas has been run by a tight group of private citizens whose zeitgeist is that they alone should drive the creative direction of arts -- especially the Dundas -- in this country. They have proven to be inept, exclusive and unfit to lead. I find it even more hypocritical that, once ago, one of the gracious receivers of the donation urged Bahamians not to vote for any government. Now she slurps up the spoils that the government has offered.
What the government should have done was made the recent grant conditional on a change of the Dunda's leadership. Just like in politics and other vocations, there is a point of diminishing returns, and new leadership is needed. The current Dundas leaders should graciously bow, accept their flowers and exit stage left. The understudies are waiting.
On FRONT PORCH: Funding the arts and heritage preservation
Posted 21 February 2025, 4:30 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
Absolute nonsense. Donald, is that you?
On Chinese Ambassador dismisses US concerns on relationship with Bahamas
Posted 21 February 2025, 3:55 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
No, it shouldn't be illegal. You earn your pension because you toiled for 30+ years - government should not be allowed to capriciously claw back pension. The issue is to ensure that there are enough qualified people to perform jobs so that any government does not have to re-hire retirees.
On Retired but 491 back on payroll
Posted 21 February 2025, 3:49 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
If you were to read the Securites Act, it tells you what they can do with the money - use it for financial education purposes only. They can't give bonuses or buy fancier furniture with that money. Geez, ya'll ignorant...
On Commission to gain $10m for protecting FTX assets
Posted 19 February 2025, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
This article makes no sense.
Lazy Neil.
On Bahamas ‘well protected’ by US exchange rate peg
Posted 19 February 2025, 4:24 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
She is not a "former Bahamian rocket scientist". Firstly: 1) she is still a Bahamian, not formerly was one. So, if you wanted to indicate that she was a former rocket scientist, then you should have said a "Bahamian former rocket scientist".
Which leads to problem 2 - she is not a former rocket scientist. She will always be a rocket scientist. She is just no longer employed with NASA. It's like saying a CPA holder is no longer an accountant because he/she does not work at an accounting firm. The person is still an accountant.
Man, today's journalists are awful.
Editors are worse.
On Norman’s Cay ‘sold out’ on SpaceX’s booster landing
Posted 19 February 2025, 4:18 a.m. Suggest removal
tetelestai says...
I am trying to figure out why the ineptness of the Port Authority -- across multiple governments, including the FNM -- has anything to do with Fred Mitchell.
On ‘Immigration irrelevant to Freeport’s economic issues’
Posted 18 February 2025, 3:53 a.m. Suggest removal