Comment history

theplpsucks says...

Oh give me a break. Social services people have family too and people who needed assistance had enough time before the hurricane to get assistance. She is poking at everything and in doing so looking like a scorned angry ass. Stop it please.

theplpsucks says...

The day the PLP agrees to that is the day we will be worse than Jamaica. That bank will be laudering all sorts of money and when the U.S. asks for compliance who will do it? Le them keep it up we will be in hell. When will the PLP understand you that rules apply to them?

theplpsucks says...

What a total narcissist Bran is. He has to get over himself, he cant win one seat on his own yet feels he can demand. What a joke

theplpsucks says...

out of loretta minnis and perry, minnis is the only one with sense. the other two seems to have gone insane along with bran

theplpsucks says...

you cant be serious when the PLP is using Pindlings name from the grave but the Fnm cant take advice from their former leader? plps are so full of shit

On Ingraham: My distress at state of FNM

Posted 23 February 2017, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

when will the plp supporters ever wake up and hold them accountable? what will it take? it doesnt matter what they do or say, they are loyal to sickening degree which is seriously dangerous for this country.

theplpsucks says...

so she gave a position to a man who stabbed her in the back, thats bran!

theplpsucks says...

this country can never move forward when people vote for contracts, deals and $150.00 every five years. This crowd at the PLP rally shows the PLP does not need to be accountable to the people at all. It's truly sad and they know it.

On PLP CONVENTION: First night

Posted 25 January 2017, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

i told her not to trust bran he is an arrogant troll who cant get over his love for himself

On Bran unaware of coalition plan

Posted 6 January 2017, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

if bran wants a position let him earn it. dont give it to him especially an fnm position when he takes every chance he can get to degrade the fnm party. it makes no sense and now dna are saying they dont want the fnm seven. this was expected from the dna party.

On DNA: No plan to absorb rebel seven

Posted 6 January 2017, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal