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theplpsucks says...

minnis has to go and whoever wants him can go with him

theplpsucks says...

no she is the leader of the opposition he is leader of the senate. Big difference.

theplpsucks says...

keep dreaming plp

theplpsucks says...

there would be no straw market if it wasnt built by the fnm remember the five years the PLP left tthem under the tents?

theplpsucks says...

wheres the disaster fund? when the plp is crying about not being able to fund the hurricane relief? these plps are morons. There is so many other ways to raise money than tax the people. There is no vision in one of their heads.

theplpsucks says...

they did.

theplpsucks says...

they wont do anything until someone gets killed. We all know the hire was real and pushed off as a contract. This is a serious government we have now.

theplpsucks says...

thats it there you cant work with people who share YOUR vision. you cannot be a team player and no you are not offering us an opportunity of a life time we would be offering you one.

On McCartney: DNA is chance to start over

Posted 30 September 2016, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

Election coming they have to appear as if they are doing something and contracts have to be awarded

theplpsucks says...

lol this is the problem now isnt it? the fnms cannot be satified. We all know Mr lightbourn as a white man will be reminded constantly of his remarks at the convention. Is this probably why Minnis is not running him?If he had been a black man there would be no problem however thats no the case. I dont understand what fnms want, it seems the fnms are more in favour of living under a PLP government. Seems they had a problem with Ingraham, the best prime minister in my opinion to ever run this country and now they have a problem with Minnis. You see here lies the problem, the PLP supporters a raising Perry Christie in the air saying what a great job he is doing. Now compare, would you prefer another five years of perry or give minnis a chance? The answer is simple.