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theplpsucks says...

The only stranger to truth is Bran, if the fnm is a sinking ship what is his seatless ghost of a party? LOL that man is unbelievable and surely showing how narcissistic he is

theplpsucks says...

this is how stupid people believe anything a plp says

On Facebook scam uses Labour Minister’s identity

Posted 14 September 2016, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

Fred Mitchell? are you kidding? you must be smoking cool-aid

On POLITICOLE: The dearth of leaders in waiting

Posted 13 September 2016, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

too bad you believe that because you dont support MInnis the FNM cant win. What you need to concentrate on is you believing somehow very stupidly that Bran and the DNA can win any election. You have to be kidding.Pity you dont want to talk about it but talk about it anyway. while you remain silent on how the PLP is running this country into the ground. This is the problem with most reporters in the Bahamas, if the PLP does one single thing they are praised and if any other party does 10 great things they concentrate on the 2 they didnt do, no wonder the PLP know they dont have to do anything to be reelected.

On POLITICOLE: The dearth of leaders in waiting

Posted 13 September 2016, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

this man has shown no reason to vote for him since 2012, if anything he has gotten worse. He cant win his own seat but wants to be the leader and have his way or to hell with anyone else. Go away Bran

On Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

Posted 13 September 2016, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

hell no let him go win his seat on his own if he can and he now realizes he cant

theplpsucks says...

Good try Roberts however we are concentrating on what the PLP did with Bahamar no the FNM

On Roberts slams FNM over positions on Baha Mar

Posted 9 September 2016, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

Once again the PLP moves to screw the country and any future investment. I wonder if they made the Chinese do this for Bahamar?

theplpsucks says...

I cant wait for them to interview Bran after he has lost his seat again.

theplpsucks says...

I hope they replace him with a black man because black bahamians never forgive white bahamians for anything. I dont know why white bahamians even run in the first place. Its obvious that its a waste of time unless you run for the PLP then they dont bring up colour then. The minute a white man runs for the fnm or any other party they bring up colour and UBP.

On Lightbourn may be replaced

Posted 6 September 2016, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal