Comment history

thomas says...

KUDOS Crisis Centre. Mr. Miller would do well to show a contrite heart, and maybe his apology would be more believable.

thomas says...

KUDOS to this group of people for not going along with the charade that Mr. Miler has made of his own folly.

thomas says...

lol. They "out" themselves every time. It is hilarious.

thomas says...

This is not the exact article that was first posted. It has been rewritten.

On Pilot collapses while landing

Posted 6 March 2014, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

OMG...what is this article saying?

On Pilot collapses while landing

Posted 5 March 2014, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

Exactly. The next step in his career would be leader of his party, so he knows who he needs to have a conversation with. He doesn't need to be all over the Caribbean looking for an audience.

thomas says...

Mr. Mitchel has been an elected member for many terms. If his political career has suffered it is because his party has held him back.

thomas says...

Tief from tief, God smile!

thomas says...

Admitting to having sex in the church should be enough cause for termination. These people need JESUS.

thomas says...

or become bitter, vile individuals with little respect for others