Comment history

thps says...

Are the same persons who were asking for the borders to be open the same persons asking for them to be closed?

Or did you read some on this board who argued for one and others who argued for the other?

Following the board, one can name the pro-open border posters from the anti ones. e.g. Proudandloudfnm and a few others have been against the opening.
My2cents and others have been for it. I haven't seen a few who have said one thing and then argued against it, but maybe they are out there.

I can find many politicians who did the same.they'll argue that as data changes so do opinions. the government's course change is one example

thps says...

agreed. to a point. One can do all at the same time.

Many problems can be solved individually. However, when one starts taking proportional credit, they must then accept proportional blame. Consider this too. The precedent has been set with all of the powers exerted by the PM. So if they did things like closing schools, borders, shopping schedules and exercise times,, don be surprised if people don't expect you to implement another policy if you then say an action can cause community spread.

Plus debate is healthy in a democratic society. Everyone throws out their ideas, good or bad, and we collectively decide what we think is best. I am sure many on this board aren't traveling to Florida, ar are wearing masks and are washing their hands. So we can do both, our part in containing the spread and pointing out where we think policies can be better.

On Five new cases of COVID-19

Posted 18 July 2020, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

ok makes sense. The tribune's bullets made it confusing.

On Five new cases of COVID-19

Posted 18 July 2020, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

If 2 of the new cases are in Inagua, why are the 5 lumped into New Providence?

On Five new cases of COVID-19

Posted 18 July 2020, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

They looked at the bookings and realized what Bahamar and all the others figured out.

On Atlantis postpones reopening

Posted 17 July 2020, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

I am so so happy that the issue is not to load shedding. Even my appliances know the difference. My fridge was going to conk out but when it realized that it was a transmission issue and not load shedding it decided not to go bad.

thps says...

Comparing the numbers from yesterday 2 additional persons have been hospitalized.

On Five new cases of COVID-19

Posted 16 July 2020, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

good news

On Five new cases of COVID-19

Posted 16 July 2020, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

You have to wear them at all times in public

- unless you are in the parliament sitting down then you can take it off
- but if you are in church you are supposed to have it on at all times
- but if you are in a restaurant when you enter and exit but not when seated
- same with the beach when its not closed on holiday weekends and you arent a fence hopping tourist
- but in your car is ok to not have it
- if your exercising outside then its ok not to but inside gyms its required or at least some gyms
- perhaps also when you aren't speaking in a mic as it seems they all take it off then
- if you cant do our job with it on maybe there is an exception but I'm not sure

did i get it right?

thps says...

looks like good news.

How is BEC to pay the debt of the 500m bond? I thought this was going to be added to the bills? What will be the net change to bills:

Orignal bills:
- savings from the generators
- savings from locked in fuel costs
+ cost to finance RRB.
'= final bill