Comment history

thps says...

Good summary.

On Speaker Moultrie hands in his keys

Posted 2 November 2020, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Don't ask him which numbers to buy.

On Economy rebound ‘in six months’

Posted 2 November 2020, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

“There is a strict, unwritten rule that no individual should function within two or more branches. In other words, if you are an executive, you should have no role in the judiciary or legislative branch."

I agree with much of what he says except for the paragraphs quoted.

Why do people claim there is a separation of people performing functions in our constitution between the legislature and the executive.

Our constitution is explicit in the opposite.

The PM who heads the executive must come from the legislature.
The Cabinet must consist of either House Members or Senators.
Westminister is based on the executive coming from the legislature as we don't separately elect a head of government.

I would expect the Speaker of the House to know this.

Where he does have a point is the habit of picking Backbench MPs as Govt Corp. Chairpersons. But otherwise, he is off. if he is calling for a change in the constitution that's another thing.

On Speaker Moultrie hands in his keys

Posted 2 November 2020, 8:28 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

"no one would imagine seven months later the impact of the virus would remain so severe."

"said the Minister of Tourism from his home on planet Zen, meanwhile, here on planet Earth"

thps says...

But didn't our leaders reject the broader testing strategy?

On PAHO: Testing the best way

Posted 22 October 2020, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

I agree with the PM.

Unlike retailers, the Govt has set a great example and has had 'most or all' of its services online and 'most or all' of its workers working remotely.

Just look at the

thps says...

as long as we can find money on our health care infrastructure and other pressing capital works maters.

thps says...

Now I get it. All along we thought there was a health infrastructure crisis, turns out our biggest infrastructure issue is the sidewalks.

What can 20m buy you during COVID-19?

for virtual learning
100k 200 dollar tablets

40k 500 dollar laptops

1 years internet for 41,667 students at 40 dollars a month for 12 months

other items

5,000 $4,000 scholarships

50,000 $400 tests

hospital beds?

Contact Tracers?

I assume there won't be any issues finding money for these items either.

thps says...

I'm trying to understand if this is a parody.

thps says...

What's the difference between the average pharmacy and the average convenience store? One sells meds the others don't, yet one has to offer full curbside and the other doesn't.