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tinytim says...

Your risks have come down because it is the Bahamian people who are taking the risks, with their future, with their environment, for generations to come. Yet more spin from BPC..
Ask yourselves, are BPC here for us or themselves.. the answer is obvious. If it all ends in disaster they will just go home, never mind, next please..

On Oil explorer: Deal is 50/50 profit sharing

Posted 22 March 2013, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

tinytim says...

I'm not so sure how BPC can say that anything is clearer now.. quite the opposite I hope and pray. These prospective drill partners will surely be wondering why they should pay 120m$ to drill an exploratory well when whatever the result the Bahamas people will vote no in the referendum.. it's a loss whatever the drill result. I wish these people would go home and stop pretending they are here for anything other than their own personal gain !

tinytim says...

Is the opinion of anyone who doesn't want drilling irrelevant ?
Is it irrelevant that exploratory drills carry the greatest risk ?
Is it irrelevant that the Macondo disaster happened on an exploratory drill ?
Mr. Davis, you will certainly be remembered in history if you allow this and it goes wrong !

On Deputy PM: Oil talk 'irrelevant'

Posted 18 March 2013, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

tinytim says...

Bet everyone saying how great oil drilling be is either going to benefit themselves personally or doesnt love our Bahamas. PLP is running scared coz they know the people dont want oil, so they say it's just exploratory drill they going to allow. It only takes one well to have a Macondo on our doorstep.. and then what, what about all the other areas where there might be oil, exploratory well number 2 a few miles away,then exploratory well number 3, 4, 5.? the whole thing is nuts. People should have their say before any well is drilled.

tinytim says...

I'm so angry about this. Does Mr. Christie need to be reminded that the Macondo accident happened on an exploratory well.. not a production one !!!

On 'Flip flop' claim over oil drilling

Posted 12 March 2013, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal