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tiredofhypocrisy says...

PLP just seem like a bunch of dolts running around in circles and ever getting anywhere, doing anything new or having any innovative ideas. This turn of government depresses me, but oddly makes me more motivated to voice my opinions and outrage at their idiocy. Governments should not be in the utilities business! End of discussion...they had their chance for over 30years and they have failed. CWC now has to start from the bottom in technology and expertise and get to the top in little to no time, ya really think that isn't going to take some disruption to services? Bahamians live in a bubble wanting results but not knowing, understanding or appreciating the work thats involved. Probably because we have spent years being fed bull by lazy politicians who have stolen their way to glory seamlessly.

On Maynard hits out at BTC takeover plan

Posted 21 June 2012, 11:20 p.m. Suggest removal

tiredofhypocrisy says...

What's wrong with BGCSE standards? If your Honor Roll student didn't pass them they probably didn't study enough, the standards of the BGCSE has already dropped since the early 90's and you are suggesting lowering standards again?????
How is this standardised highschool diploma different from what we already have? To get a regular one shouldn't you show a certain level of attendance and have passed required examinations? I too would like to know what this "new and improved" diploma entails.

tiredofhypocrisy says...

Sppeaking as someone who knows a few policeman and have heard their issues, one of the things they need is someone who can come in and either remove some of the lazy, incompetent senior officers or re-train them in order to revamp the force. You don't stop learning until you're dead, especially in the armed forces and politics. While I don't know if Bell is capable, as he seems a bit immature, I hope he would have a better understanding because he has been there. How could you possibly have a lawyer running the police force? How could you have a banker doing it? That's what we have been faced with over the years and it makes sense to have a former police officer assist in refoming the force as he should have first hand knowledge of the problems. The only real issue is whether he has the ideals and the integrity to do the job objectively. However, none of our politicians seem to have developed any sort of integrity or show that they even know how to spell the word so I don't expect much from the over inflated children who, unfortunately, make state decisions that we will have to pay for.

On Police alarm over bell appointment

Posted 14 June 2012, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

tiredofhypocrisy says...

The government should not be involved in the utilities business! Period! I clearly understand the need in a small country to ensure that you maintain a strong Bahamian workforce, but things like that can be woked into any contract or labour law. Nepotism is a problem not only government but in private sectors of the Bahamas and it retards business development.

tiredofhypocrisy says...

When we will stop being a hypocritical regressive nation? Every single one of us take part in some sin or another and are in no position to sit in the seat of judgement. The facts are that the law is not being regulated, possibly because and the end of the day it is a matter of choice. Of all the things that destroy MartGM I'm pretty sure Adultery, fornication, and alcoholism are in the top five yet I don't see any of you petition to ban these virus that rip fathers from homes and reduce lawyers to scum. Yes Tim, they are all cancers therefore if you are going to speak against one you should speak against them all! Hypocrits! Your pretty dumb if you don't realize you are already taking part in the benefits of gambling, either through the charity donations they give out, the party promotions, or the taxes that they are paying through utilities, national insurance and licenses. It only makes sense to apply direct taxes so that this money can potentially go toward things, like education, social services, and national security. What I don't understand is why all of you who are so very opposed to the legalisation of gambling haven't marched in front of numbers house shining a light on the illegalities therein? Is it simply that you are opposed to progress? Is it that you benefit from the way things are and could care less about the potential benefits that injection of cash will give the Bahamas as a whole? Don't you just love this country, a person can spend $15 getting sloppy drunk and killing another human being, but they can't spend $15 to potentially get money to pay their bills. Hypocrits!

On Legalise gambling

Posted 12 June 2012, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal