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tmoore says...

As a Bahamian abroad, one of the most ghastly challenges is the ignorance of many Bahamians. The levels of prejudice and discrimination, amidst the simple lack of the ability to act responsibly always shines itself during times of challenge. While it is obvious that the government has its challenges; so do the people. The people have the greatest responsibility to themselves. It is to educate themselves. To become aware of the disease, and how to best protect themselves. I currently live with my children in a country that has been infected. So, I have taken the time to educate my children on how to best protect themselves. I have taken the precautions as a parent to purchase the necessary and available products to protect my family. I am no different than anyone else. It is my responsibility to protect me and mine...Like it is yours Bahamas. Stop complaining about the government. Stop creating division when death lingers in the air. Stop creating fear exasperated by ignorance. Be better than you have been. Be the change that you want to see... Read Bahamas and prepare yourself against the enemy of this Virus. Don't be its friend, by spreading fake information, propaganda and division. Haitian, Jamaican, Bahamian.....all black people... Wake up and realize that we all live together on this challenged earth and one day we will all die. Decide who you are gonna be while you live..... So.. Wash your hands for 45 seconds with soap before rinsing. Use antibacterial hand gel constantly between washings. No hand shaking, but maybe instead head nods "hello". Stand at least 5 feet away from the person in front of you. Cough in your elbow, not in your hands...Wear a mask if they are available; if not face scarf like the old folks did... and if you feel sick, isolate yourself and contact medical help. Be Responsible Bahamas.... This is a world wide threat... And you are a part of this world... Be prepared!

tmoore says...

The very first problem that I have with this comment is that it is a typical foreign response. My challenge is that you have conceded that because this is your perspective it is correct and this lady and her children are incorrect. You are wrong from many perspectives. In addition, you have never been black and obviously have know understanding and or respect for such race of people. If you did, you would never attempt to justify such actions, or justify a system that is not aware enough to have in place a policy of racism/ prejudice of any kind prior to its induction. An institution of such, whom claims to be of such high standards should truly be ashamed as this shows an immense lack of character. In closing, it is teachers like you, with values like yours at institutions like Tambearly that reaffirms my decision to home school my children. Shame on you for being that human being that teach but cant lead. Shame on you for suggesting that kids will just get over it, and not recognizing that children are their environment. Oh, and by the way the notion that your rich FNM and PLP friends' kids came out well only worsens your position in this case, because all I hear is you saying that they learned how to deal with it.