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tom1912 says...

It’s generally no cheaper than BA flying from London and the have less direct flights a week

It must be remembered, to UK and European citizens Bahamas is a very expensive holiday destination compared to Spain,Greece,Portugal etc.
The cost if living is very high!
Most travellers on the BA flights are Bahamians and ,Expatriates return to the Islands not many holiday makers

The different BA flights go on to ether the Caymens or the Turks and Cacos. The flights normally are 50/50 Caymens/TC Travellers and those for Nassau.

The crazy thing is that it is much cheaper to fly to the Caymans than Nassau yet its a 1000 miles further on after stopping at nassau.

tom1912 says...

The Germans didn’t pay anything back to the many of the ancestors of other Ethinic, East European, Mentally ill, Homosexual,Gypsies they killed from their cleansing, never mind any reparations from the Vatican who supported the Hitler regime, nether mind the Swiss banks taking the stolen gold to finances the German war effort.
This reparations argument is a grifters charter,

tom1912 says...

OH dear
It would seem there are quite a few people in the Bahamas would benefit from a few lectures from the great insightful Dr Thomas Sowell.

You will find that the AtlanticTriangle Slave Trade was a drop in the ocean compared with 1000s of years before it.
If you follow the money, in the end it would be the Scandinavians (Vikings); North Africans (Barbary pirates); Italy (Romans); Turkey (Ottomans): who will be the back stops.

Never mind, in the UK case, the majority of the population were in servitude ( My mother and father in Domestic service my father and his father also worked as a miner in the 1920s and treated like s**t by a very wealthy miner owner) akin to slavery by the same ruling classes that were engaged in the transatlantic slavery ( Including your free Royal Family and their relatives)
So some of this servitude de facto, lasted into the 1950s in many large UK cities.

If there was one pervert good thing that that came out of the WW1 it depleted a lot of the ruling UK classes.

I’m sure the UK will willing pay reparations to the West Indians and make a profit at the same time, after it receives its reparations from Itay, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, North African Arab Countries, and Turkey!
I rest my case :)

tom1912 says...

It would appear you have “exposed” yourself as being superficial, by making a judgment on someone without bothering to avail yourself of the facts, difficult I know.
The Labour party was only voted in by only 34% of the a 60% of the population that bothered to vote!
This means only 20% of the UK population supported/voted for the Labour party and the flip flop PM. Unbelievable eh :(

For your edification,I nor my Bahamian Wife of 5 years [She is a registered voter in the UK , yes she can vote here but I cannot vote in the Bahamas ] did not vote for them. :p

So my dear friend before you put your thoughts in print get your facts right or keep them to yourself. Unlike me you would seem to have lacked any training in critical thinking in your early career path much like many of the woke brigade!

For the record the police service become woke in the last 15 years under the “so called** right of centre” conservative government that were thrown out!
Unfortunately we have the SOS in the Labour party as was said by one of our more enlightened politicians, two cheeks on the same backside. All run by career politicians who have PPE degrees or are lawyers and have nether worked in a real job in their lives


On Police probe calls in Scotland Yard

Posted 14 July 2024, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

Oh Dear, Oh Dear

I think your Government and/or Police Force/Service have harking back to the 1970 and have not bothered to keep in touch with the “Mother Country” :) ;) and London’s Metropolitan Police Service, ( Scotland Yard is their HQ) notwithstanding they haven’t even enough officer’s to police the capital, they have given up on Burglaries, knife crime, shop lifting etc, the good detectives have long since retired or left the service out of discussed

They do not recruit on merit, they paint their patrol cars in pride flag colours, most of the Senior management are woke and they spend more time on investigating “non hate crimes”, Making a profit on speed cameras, stuck in their patrol cars and not walking the beat. Local Police Station being closed on mass!

Once in a blue moon they will deal with high profile murder or a terrorist attacks.

Joe public can go and take a hike and you only just get a crime number so you can make a claim against their home insurance,
If you call 999 (911 for you ) you be unlikely to get police present within 4 or 5 hours maybe even the next day unless you lie and say there have bee gun shots!

This all from the father of a Metropolitan Police officer who knows how service works.

Good luck Bahamas, using London’s police service you will need it!


On Police probe calls in Scotland Yard

Posted 14 July 2024, 4:11 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The thing is that the data for the past few years suggests that severe weather events have not increased throughout the world, notwithstanding that we did not have weather satellites until much after the 1960s, so the hurricanes in the mid Atlantic as last year and the years before that never made landfall would not have been taken in to account or even known existed, in the initial starting base!
A lot of flooding around the world is as a result of humans building and living on flood plains and of course deforestation.

tom1912 says...

In my working life as a Consultant Resident Mechanical Enginer in the U.K monitoring and reporting on QA QC on large construction sites. I have worked along side several "Fee" based Management contractors and that includes MACE most of these type of company's staff are three peice suit Buliders, scared to get their hands dirty and try and force Consultant Engineers [ Civil and M&E] and Architects to be "Proactive" to get the project out on time.

Definition of "Proactive" = don't be to hard on the contractors to carry out the work in accordance with the specifications and drawings.

Fee base management contractors get their fee come what may, so I expect the MACE have some questions to answer.

Of course the Client may have to answer for some of the problems too, as they no doubt didn't what to pay for unproductive independent QA QC inspection teams to make sure all work was carried to spec!

tom1912 says...

Whenever I have to engage with medics and dentist who are wearing, an insist I wear one of these generic face masks, homemade or in china, I ask them whether they would accept a surgeon carrying out an operation on them with such masks,you can guess their response. :-)

It's about time that medics stop giving authorities advice on masks and leave it to filtration experts.

[Interestingly enough I've noted most of those blue chinese light blue ones clearly state " not for medica use"

tom1912 says...

As I always say to every medic or dentist I come across wearing and requesting I use
generic "face nappies/diapers" Would they be happy for a surgeon to carry out an operation on them wearing such masks!!!!
IMHO Medics should keep their advice to medicine and surgery and leave mask advice to specialists in filtration!!!

On tom1912

Posted 5 October 2022, 4:38 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The Bahamas should be careful on this matter, as over here in the UK 🇬🇧, there is lot of evidence coming out about vaccinating children and young adults causing health problems some not coming out until maybe years later, myocarditis being one, there has been a lot of concern of sudden death syndrome in 45 year olds and younger in the vaccinated recently although not proven there is a connection. What has occurred is that there have been more excess deaths in the last few months not attributed to covid in numbers greater than during the so called pandemic.
So as those who seemed to know what they were taking about in the last 2/3 years were right the biggest killer was the lock downs not the virus!

It would appear that that the Danish and the Norweigens are not allowing any covid vaccinations for anyone under the age of 50.

So far the U.K. government has paid out to 15,000 citizens or their families compensation up to £100,000 for injury (e.g amputations) or death as a result of the effects of being vaccinated for covid, there are more in the pipeline due to the UK government dragging its feet,

Notwithstanding that Omercron has changed the picture greatly i.e it's not much worse than a heavy cold, initially the data [Ignored by the U.K. Government) over here was that only those over 70 were badly affected by covid along with those with comobities!
Apart from in Sweden it would seem all the lawyers, journalist, arts degree and career politicians we stupidly voted in to power have right royally *$*& up our economies!
The biggest killer of the pandemic is starting

More interesting pieces of data ignored by the U.K. Government were that most of the covid infections were contracted after being admitted into hospital for other causes, or they were only discovered by tests when being admitted to hospital [ As they had no symptoms of covid]
Then we have the big one, anyone that died within 28 days [ At the being of the pandemic it was 60 days] of being tested positive for Covid, was counted as a covid death even if the person died from some other disease , or a road accident evening falling off a ladder, this in effect belied all the scaremongering about the numbers of deaths and the government's almost forcing every one from one month old to 101 to have a vacination, saying it would prevent infection and transmission which it didn't, so we have governments redefining what a vaccination is, not the one most of us use to know in our childhood.!

Anyway you should be fine in the Bahamas during the Hurricane seasons because accordingly to Sleepy Joe Biden you will be OK in a hurricane if you get vaccinated!

I'm glad you have got rid of the mack mandate [ Would you let a surgeon operate on you with one of those generic masks) as my wife and I are visiting her realatives in Nassau this month:)

On Vaccines to be made available in schools

Posted 2 October 2022, 4:18 a.m. Suggest removal