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tom1912 says...

Would you let Dr Sands operate on you using one of those many home made and chinese made masks that were and still are used in some stupid countries in the world! :) :) :)
Nothing short of a full hazmat suit would do the job or a typical WW2 full mask with hepa filters have good chance of preventing infection transfer!

PS. Funny enough most of the sky blue face masks made in china have the statement on their boxes, not for medical use!!!

tom1912 says...

It was an it even brought a tear to my anti privilege royalty eye but not against a constitutional monarchy.

The present working royal family ineffect live in a guided cage while I've never been a lover of Charles but he being only two years younger than me, I was impressed with his stamina in following the four seperate cortèges.

I as a 7 year old with many other contemporaries and parents in the local tenement slums we had a street/yard party for the late Queens coronation as many did in the UK

I saw Churchill's funeral on a small BW TV. Funny enough my farther [An
ex-miner) had no time for Churchill because when Home Secretary used solders to shot striking welsh miners during the time between the two WW.

On Farewell fit for a queen

Posted 20 September 2022, 8:41 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

If you review the history of the UK while it [ You would like thiis "if" being the ruling classes :) ] was subjugating the rest of the world the majority of the UK population were treated as surfs even as late as between the two WWs such as my father a miner working in 3 to 4 foot seems for private mine owners never mind those being "in service" treated like s**t .
Fortunately WW1 decimated the ruling classes and WW2 put the final nail in their coffins!
Any way I can't wait for the UK government to seek reparations for my ancestors from the Italians [aka Romans] the Moroccans [ aka Babar slavers] The Norwegians/Danes [ aka Vikings] French [ aka Normans].
Also I'm sure there are still some of the indiginious west african tribal leader's ancestors, who sold slaves to the Europeon powers will no doubt pay up reparation to all those in the WI, North and South America.
Slavery was endemic all over the world in the past some much more than the vial trans atlantic trade!
:) :)

On Farewell fit for a queen

Posted 20 September 2022, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

Correction The UK Government doesn't have any money it's tax payers money.

However as a point of interest The Bahamas gets the monarchy free, apart from the odd visit and a governor general's costs.

So The Bahamas if it decides to become it's a republic you can bet the cost of a president and all the trimmings will cost many more $s than the Bahamian tax payers contribute now.

For sure a prospective President, who will no doubt be a political party hack will cost a lot!
God help The Bahamians if the President has power.
In general the majority of Consitituional Monarchy's in the world are stable democracit's that certainly doesn't apply to most republics

On Farewell fit for a queen

Posted 20 September 2022, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The consituational monarch works on the system that the police,army/navy, judiciary,Prison officers, parliament swears an oath of loyalty to the monarch, but "the monarch has no power"! In theory any of those institution has not any direct control over any of the others.
Well that's how it works here in the U.K.:)

However we in the U.K. have to pay thru nose via our taxes for the Monarchy,while I'm not a lover of the monarch ( It's too big and too expensive) the cost of a president and all the trimmings that come with that post, to the Bahamas will cost you more than a governor general and certainly more that what you pay for the monarch at present which is "nothing"
It must be remembered that your govener general is chosen by the Bahainan's elected representatives however his position by law is loyalty to the Monach not Parliament! :)

I was pleased to note an official and a pastor in ABACO gave praise to the Royal Navy ( Loyal to the Monach) being one of the first to assist after Dorian hit. I wonder if that can be debited against the reparations cost claimed by a certain section of the Bahamian society. :) :) :) :) :)

On Leslie Miller: Republic issue is dead talk

Posted 29 March 2022, 6:08 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

When we get repartration monies from the Italians (Romans), French (Normans) Denmark/Norway/Sweden (Vikings) Insure we could pass it on, I pitty Italy they would go broke they (Romans ) controlled 80% of the UK for he dreads of years! :) :)

I wouldn't advise the UK government get involved in education as they along with the lefty teachers unions have made a hash of it in the UK
Most of the West Indies schooling which I understand is on the whole good and somewhat based on what it use to be like when I went to school in the UK in the 1950/60s now class rooms are a disorganised mess with pupils clustered around tables,

On Royals ‘must reckon’ with reparations

Posted 24 March 2022, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

Well in the need to placate the plantation owners the ultra capalistic the various colonial powers No,before any one says anything I'm a believer of a mixed economy) indentured service was brought in, the "employers" welched on the agreement to repatriate but gave land instead ( Hence many Asians in the West Indies.

On Royals ‘must reckon’ with reparations

Posted 24 March 2022, 3:51 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

I have to smile at the ignorance of some people mevbeing from a White UK baby boomer working class family whose father was a miner working in drift mines where you could not stand up for one of the many members of the ruling classes no further back than 1920 when the british workers were treated like s**t! He along with my mother ended up being domestic servants in the 1920s/30s for members of the ruling classes and in most cases also were treat like s**t!
After UK banned slavery it took on duty to try and stop every other country in the world continuing with slavery using its navy!

Correct me if I'm wrong but we're not most of the black Bahamians in the Bahamas as a result of the UK's freeing slaves from other countries shipping sailing bye the Island certain some of those sail to the us were!
The irony being that if it hadn't been for slavery the Bahamains those are shooting for reperations would not be Bahamians but mostly likely living somewhere in West Affrica 🙃

This repatriation self-serving duffers should get a handle on the total history of slavery on this planet before mouth off!
A small amount of the ruling classes in the UK carried out salvery not only overseas but in the UK too, along with the Royal Family's ancestors.

Being one of many republicans in the UK I resent that some of my tax money pays for the parasitical Royal Famiy, I believe the Bahamas gets the Royal Famiy free perhaps if they want to keep the Royal Family they should help pay for it :) :) :) :)

Should I start seek reparations against Italy ( The Romans took many Slaves) or the French (The Normans made most of the Britons serfs) most of the middle east could seek reparations and so should the population around the Med area and southern Europe from Turkey ( The Ottomans)
Slavery has been and still is (In a different way),endemic in this World

The Rastaferians make me laugh as their Prophet Halle Salase ruled over one of the last countries in the 20 th Centenary to carry out salvery Black on Black!

On Royals ‘must reckon’ with reparations

Posted 23 March 2022, 7:06 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

Just to put some perspective on U.K ( The English part) data again on Covid infections and deaths, remember data can be malnipulated by omission

1) 25% of reported Infections in England were caught in hospital.

2) There was no data available/made available of how many of those with covid infection
were discharged from hospital cured!

3) That the PCR test should not be used alone to confirm a diagnoses of any viral infection but
as a support to all other diagnoses methods. If you don't believe me look up the views of the
Nobel Scientist that developed the PCR test who says it was never designed to confirm infections but a method of magnifying very small fragments of virus's dna/rna!

4) That the PCR as well as the Lateral Flow tests throw up just as many false positives as it does false negatives so ineffect only about 50% accurate.

5) That England has used PCR test as it's means of caculating the rates of infection

6) It must be remembered that the death rate quoted in England associated with Covid is always stated as died "WITH" covid "NOT" of covid within a 28 day period of being tested positive with a PCR test (An unreliable test) that means anyone say, is discharge from hospital cured of Covid, who dies within the 28 day period of falling off a ladder or has a stroke/heart attack or even in a road traffic accident is put in the headline figures of deaths WITH covid not of covid.

7) During the pandemic of the to deaths in England Covid deaths didn't make the top ten!

8) In August 2021 in England the following were the reasons for deaths in England (ONS figures) as a comparison:-
Dementia/Alzheimer's 1,171; Cancer 1156; Heart Disease 1084; Stoke 575; Flu and Pneumonia 308 and Covid 250, so the true pandemic in England Cancer is the pandemic!

On COVID death tally passes 600 milestone

Posted 13 October 2021, 4:56 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

Part two.
1. 0% VAT on all essential items not just the limited bread basket whatever that is!
2. Taper VAT rising dependant on the goods luxury status. [ That will extract more taxes from the gated communities never mind alcohol products not produced in country]
3. No import duty on Solar panels and subsidise their installation.[You have so much sun]
4. The Bahamas must have at lest two growing seasons maybe three, for quite a lot of the staple foods it's populous likes therefore it's should encourage more home produced food production. Andros is a major land mass with low population, could it not be laid over to major farming industry or even small market gardens.
5.W.r.t 4) above put high import duties on food that are not produced in The Bahamas.
6. Build more food and goods factory's small and large instead of having prolific Churches and Chaples of numerios denominations littered on every corner of the street. While churches may provide emotional support and income for the pastors they do not produce food for the table! While I'm no Marxist but I'm of a mind of his supposed statement "Religion is the Opium" of the people. In the U.K. it's Football [ Soccer] 8-)

I may be being a bit naive, an am well aware the UK is no eutopia especially at the moment with self serving politicians with a don't do as I do do as I tell you attitudes and lack any socially conscience but I'm sure you all let all will soon jump on me with counter arguments. :-)