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tomorrow_people says...

There is crime everywhere but not the ratio and scale that we have it.
We are a service industry. Do Detroit and Caracas have crime? Of course. Do they rely on tourism? No. When will we Bahamians get off our high horse and understand that?
Walker is not talking nonsense, he is speaking the truth. I don't like what he says either, but I can't deny that he is right. Nassau, especially downtown has become a dump. It is grimy, dirty, loud, looks cheap, yet costs a lot. I could make an analogy but I won't.
Tourists "in general" being safe is not good enough. When did our bar sink so low?
The statement should read "everyone here is completely safe". Not selecting a group and generalising. More and more female tourists are assaulted and attacked on a regular basis but being unequal nation that we are, the majority think its par for the course, or that its their fault anyway. It is sad and sick. I'll defend this country again when there is something to defend.
Foreigners arent trashing this place. We are trashing it all by ourselves. They are just calling it like they see it.

On Lawyer says Nassau ‘is a dangerous dump’

Posted 14 September 2015, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

tomorrow_people says...

I used to be angry, when I learned that my children, who were born abroad, would not be granted citizenship because of my gender. But here’s the sad and simple truth. It’s a gift. I am glad my children will not have to grow up in a horrifyingly crime riddled, blatantly corrupted, sickeningly polluted, and unapologetically misogynistic country. Why would I subject my children to this regressive society governed by people who do care about its own? They do not care if we leave, or if we stay. They just do not care.

They got theirs and the rest will be brain-washed away in time.

Strange isn’t it, when you think of the meaning of the words, ‘New Providence’ and what a stark contrast our reality is.
I haven’t even zoned in on any particular issue of the day, and I don’t have to, because this government has failed us all ‘round.

You just keep dancing your dance, and shuffling your shuffle, Prime Minister, while you still have an audience, because with any real providence of our own, you will have to quit your day job.