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totherisingsun says...

Some business owners return to the Bahamas to contribute their skills and experience, whereas others stay away. In the end, there is no Ease of Doing Business in the Bahamas and the established oligarchs, well versed in the game, and well connected, will prevail. And so the cycle continues with the only constant being stagnation or regression in vital industries.

On Solar’s pioneers being ‘bypassed’

Posted 22 January 2021, 12:46 a.m. Suggest removal

totherisingsun says...

A sweeping overgeneralization of "All Bahamians" is obviously not correct. It is, however commonly understood that many Bahamians don't like rules, like to cut corners and use favors to cut lines. Many tip. Many have no problem driving without a license or insurance. The reality of what we do as a majority may gives credence to the overgeneralization. One only has to examine what a culture laughs at to give an idea of what they don't take seriously. Hand in the Till...Haha. Sweethearts...Haha. Back door deal improper? SMT.

On Bahamians don't follow rules

Posted 2 August 2020, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

totherisingsun says...

"...some of the structures that have not kept up with the building codes".

Who is responsible for this? Let's get to da root.

Maybe it's those people that don't "tip" who are responsible for "not keeping up" and compromising the integrity of The Code? Perhaps they should be fined for putting a wrench in the well oiled system!? Or maybe institute a mandatory minimum tip law to ensure conformity and adherence? We cannot have Business as Usual undermined! LOL

totherisingsun says...

Marlins and lunch is the SOP. A code without integrity in the enforcement and approval process is the equivalent of no code at all. Fast forward 5, 10, 20 years and the nothing will have changed. But that's "how we do tings" it not?

On Building Code reform must be 'grass roots'

Posted 2 August 2020, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

totherisingsun says...

"The only concern is Transmission and Distribution issues".

If you put a new engine in an old jalopy what do you get?... an old jalopy with a new engine. Lots of power connected to an old transmission gearbox.

Say did that cooling system radiator arrive for the new engine cuz ya know it does get hot in summer?

totherisingsun says...

Good points. Supermarkets are full of local produce assuming it is competitive or more highly valued as organic. Many smart foreignors and Bahamians have tried their hand at large scale farming...what does the analysis of those attempts reveal? Until we raise our National D grade average, Vocational schools are critical. However, the GOB has monopolized this and pushed out/kept out the private sector resulting in a D grade standard of vocational training. The proof is in whether our standard would be accepted in the US or Canada, which it currently is not. Until we swallow our Pride, accept and acknowledge our deficiencies and humble ourselves we cannot move Forward. In the meantime, we sing our own praises from the bow of our sinking, poorly maintained sloop.

totherisingsun says...

1. What historically happens to large amounts of borrowed monies in the public sector and what is the resulting value? 2. How long does a permit take to be approved, inspected and passed? 3. Any more questions?

totherisingsun says...

I have a sense that our Pride, the one not based in accomplishments , will be our undoing. What is the point of having paper with pretty colors and pictures, if it has no value outside these shores. It is a straw man.

On Bahamas faces 'IMF programme by 2021'

Posted 8 May 2020, 7:03 a.m. Suggest removal

totherisingsun says...

Astute points. Carry on.

On Bahamas faces 'IMF programme by 2021'

Posted 8 May 2020, 6:57 a.m. Suggest removal

totherisingsun says...

If the kind Knight would bless the Bahamas with 1% of his net earnings from having complete control of the nations fuel supply since time immorial, our woes would be over. Perhaps is time to "give back"?

On Bahamas left facing 'God awful situation'

Posted 29 March 2020, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal