Comment history

tourist1001 says...

Saying the fees pale in comparison to the fuel prices is ridiculous.
You have to take into account everything! It is called a bottom line.

How does this effect the small hotel owner on an out island, that uses his plane to get supplies? We always flew at 7am to get to FL, do the shopping, and get back the same day.
My 14 daughter could do a better job running the government. As she knows how to do MATH!

tourist1001 says...

I mad a bid on the LPIA airport on Ebay last week. I hope I get it!
I bid $750.00 !
My wife is gonna be proud of me, when I tell her I own the Airport!!!!

tourist1001 says...

He's a murderer, and out on bail?
The prosecutor, couldn't prove that he is a menace to society?
I am glad he's dead, and hope that Bahamian citizen's take back the country from the crime lords.

On Man on bail killed by shots to head and back

Posted 6 February 2014, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

tourist1001 says...

When I was in the ARMY, we fought hard. Unless it rained.
Then we just retreated, till it became a beautiful day again.
Look at this photo:…


Posted 1 February 2014, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal

tourist1001 says...

Are the out islands safe? Like Andros? I want to take my family on vacation to dive.
Should I bring a weapon?

tourist1001 says...

Death Penalty

tourist1001 says...

I'm trying to buy a little hotel on an out-island. Gee, thanks for the great promotion about coming to the Bahamas and spending money!

tourist1001 says...

This is NUTS!
I was coming in February to an out-island with my daughters to teach them scuba diving.
They are 12 & 14. The ex-wife, said "no way are you taking the girls out of the USA to The Bahamas! Too much crime!"
I tried to tell her, that on the out-islands it is different.

You have a great country, and the people there are so nice.
I have been 4 times in last 15 years.

You need to have a recall election and take out your government leaders, or let us tourists at least travel with weapons.