Comment history

tribanon says...

Most of them are so grossly incompetent it would make any sensible person's head spin in horror.

tribanon says...

You two belong together. LOL

tribanon says...

And that's just VAT. Think of all the other taxes and fees they collect from us, and, of course, squander on themselves, their family members and cronies, as the corrupt and elitist political ruling class, whether they be PLP or FNM.

tribanon says...

GHS graduates now 65+ years of age would happily take you up on your challenge.

You're likely relatively young, probably a teacher/administrator involved in education, and definitely a great imbiber of the wrong kind of toxic kool-aid that has all but destroyed our public education system.

Many of the older members of our corrupt and elitist political ruling class (age 65+) received first class elementary and high-school educations in our public school system in their day. Those days are long gone.

The dumbing-down of our public school system began when SLOP decided well-educated voters would be a threat to his political future so he instructed Loftus Roker to 'Bahamianize' or otherwise 'darken' the entire teaching profession in The Bahamas almost over-night.

And since then, successive corrupt governments, whether PLP or FNM, have made it a point not to make public education a high priority for our nation despite the millions and millions of dollars poured into the ministry of education each year, much of which effectively gets stolen through corrupt government contracts given to cronies of the worst possible kind.

tribanon says...

It is foreigned owned with very close contractual and other ties to the local enterprises like FOCOL and Sun Oil that are controlled by the very corrupt, greedy, conniving and devious Franky Wilson who is much better known as 'Snake'.

Past governments (whether PLP or FNM) have given Snake and his foreign partners like Shell North America and Aggreko Energy (Generators) a virtual monopoly over our country's energy needs which is why we pay exorbitant prices for electricity and gasoline today compared to most nearby Floridians.

tribanon says...

The corrupt, incompetent and elitist senior members of the political ruling class have all greatly and unjustly enriched themselves and their cronies over the past 4+ decades by 'selling out' the vast majority of Bahamians who are now left in a terrible state of despair with little (if any) hope of ever seeing better days again.

tribanon says...

The past has gone and is unchangeable; its only the future that counts. Yet cruel Davis and bumbling Pintard would rather argue about the past than talk about what can be done to make life better for the Bahamian people today and in the days to come. Truth be told, both of these buffoons are truly worthless as they are solely concerned about their own political power and station in life, and to hell with the Bahamian people.

tribanon says...

Small wonder cibc-fcib shutdown its Palmdale branch. And like the banks, the cruel Davis-led PLP government and Fernander's police force are abandoning the poorer communities where rampant crime continues unabated.

On Hunt for two men after Palmdale armed robbery

Posted 28 August 2022, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

These are very difficult economic times and the discarded food scraps and thrown away food waste of the past are not nearly as plentiful today, especially in the poorer communities. And few, if any, in our poorer communities can afford to feed food scraps to their dogs let alone purchased dog food.

This is where base survival instincts kick in for many of these starving dogs, even so called "potcakes", especially if their bloodline is the least bit linked to some of the more high-strung and violent breeds of dogs. And these starving animals are prone to form vicious packs that will, out of their desperation to survive, attack and prey on more vulnerable humans, e.g., frail old people and very young defenseless children, as a possible source of food.

The Bahamas Humane Society should be working overtime to round up and permanently 'put down' the many starving dogs roaming around in our poor communities. Our situation here is not helped by the great love affair many Bahamians have with pitbulls they have trained to be violent.

On Man found dead may have been attacked by dogs

Posted 28 August 2022, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal