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tribunespeaker says...

The marine further revealed that another marine came to him the night before the interview and said that this is the last straw[,][1] and that the command will seek to dismiss him due to his prior infractions and if he is not truthful about his actions about this incident[.][2]


tribunespeaker says...

Ill start off by saying im most definitely not a conservative --- but the meaning behind hate crime legislation is kind of ridiculous. The crime should be punished because of the crime not because of who it is inflicted on[.][1] I realize part of the punishment is retribution to the family members etc (acceptably so) of the victim[,][2] however embracing the idea that one victim deserves more retribution over another for the same crime is really not one that should be reinforced. I just dont see a logical argument opposing this. Enlighten please.

If the punishment is not believed to be severe enough for the offenders then increase the minimum punishment for that crime instead of making a separate hate crimes category.

I realize that we do not live in a post discriminatory world. Saying that, I also realize simply now saying, "we're all even" is fixing nothing. I just think the best way is to create a culture of everyone having equal worth.

I see no problem with encouraging a more fair social structure and universal equal worth through positive discriminatory action but the opposite seems like a very "back in time" solution.

Thoughts would be encouraged :)


tribunespeaker says...

Could be exhaust from an engine problem. When they are running at full speed, they smoke pretty bad[,][1] so I imagine if there was a problem with their fuel line or something it could smoke like this[.][2] It would at least explain the lack of news. I'm on vacation from working on one of those ships that are there today, but I haven't seen anything come up on facebook yet.


On New hotel 'can be fine example to others'

Posted 16 March 2014, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

tribunespeaker says...

The most difficult part was the aftermath and reaching an age where I was able to understand what happened to me[.][1] I was 18 the first time I read any of the police reports, social services reports and medical records. The inconsistencies were glaring when the stories were put together and put on a timeline. It was just devastating to me. All I could ask myself was how could all of these doctors[,][2] law enforcement and social service workers be aware of my story and yet nobody saved me? Why didn't anyone save me?


On Fourth murder in four days

Posted 16 March 2014, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

tribunespeaker says...

This statement needs to be close to the top. People have this idea that even the US government is this one cohesive entity that cooperates with itself. When in fact is is VERY faction heavy and constantly competing with itself for resources and power[.][1] It puts all of us in danger all of the time. The great illusion that binds it all is that the only divide is in between the two parties[,][2] (oh, and all the evil terrorists in every corner) but this is just to keep the population at it's own throat in fear so they don't notice. As long as American Idol is on, it is all good.

The funny thing is that GTAV has an amazing narrative on this whole subject. And while most are probably thinking it is an exaggeration, it is closer to the reality than most want to admit.


tribunespeaker says...

One of the hazards of living in a totalitarian state[.][1] You have the rights the State decides you have - which can vary from moment to moment[.][2]

Maybe it is time we started reclaiming some of those Constitutional protections our legislators thoughtfully signed away on our behalf.


tribunespeaker says...

This system (WEA) makes sense for weather alerts and national emergencies. Months ago I was alerted to a tornado in my area by the system[,][1] before I would have heard of it through other channels... it was good to have this in place.

I think making an alarm go off in the middle of the night for an amber alert is an abuse of the system, though[.][2] Or at least a bad design.


On Dengue fever alert in Florida

Posted 16 March 2014, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

tribunespeaker says...

They've built a very small wall up to keep the waves at bay. Every once in a while a wave comes along that their wall needs to keep down[.][1] Occupy, Tea party, Anonymous, Restore the Fourth, etc. When the wave appears that it might get a little too big, they hit it when it's out deep in the ocean to minimize its later effects. I think this is what happened with Anonymous, Occupy, and Restore the Fourth[.][2] They get a few government agents involved and derail the movement. So that wall doesn't really need to be that big to keep in power. They just need to keep the waves small and controllable. And nothing will ever get done until one of those waves gets out of hand or enough of the people realize how the game is played.


tribunespeaker says...

The difference being that US intelligence agents fighting terrorist plots almost universally have the permission of the host nation[.][1] Foreign intelligence agents to operate on the sovereign territory of your country without your consent is definitely not kosher for any nation. Infiltrating US military bases, understandably[,][2] leads to the arrest of the infiltrators. Would the Cuban government have failed to arrest a similar spy on a mission from the US, hypothetically?


On Six cubans arrested - but two go missing

Posted 16 March 2014, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

tribunespeaker says...

I did a stint with the Ontario electricity market operator as a surveillance analyst[,][1] and you're glossing over "...are fairly trivial issue to manage." When intermittent generators cut in and out, you need fast-ramping generators to make up the difference in load, and that is always coal or gas generation[.][2]

Electricity scheduling in general is quite complicated, especially if you're operating in a large geographical area, like Ontario or Texas, where generation can be physically far from load. ERCOT (the electricity jurisdiction for Texas) was scrambling to import electricity from other zones as they tried to prevent blackout conditions a few years ago because of their overinvestment in wind.
