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true242teacher says...

The story written in The Freeport News carried so many "inaccuracies" and false allegations. I am disgusted that The Freeport News would basically print a false editorial on the front page of its paper, due diligence was not applied here. Here are the facts. The school just sent out their newsletter yesterday and showed who the students are that won. There is not just a "WHITE" head girl who just got elected, there are two head students who were just democratically elected by a transparent process that was known in advance of the election and has been in place for many years. And by the way Freeport News, one is white and one is not white and they are two terrific girls. Where was the parent before the election? Did she question the process before the election? This school actually gives students the opportunity to have a 50% say in who they want as head student, but accounts 50% from the staff who may realize why one may be a better candidate that is academic, will represent the school well in the community and may not have discipline issues. This mom even states that her kid was given detention over an incident with a white girl. First of all, tell us more about the incident and let us judge what happened if this is your claim of racism--if the white girl was not punished, sounds like she didn't need to be. And did you Freeport News ask the school what the altercation was? My guess is no. Quite frankly, knowing some of the black teachers at the school, I cannot see any of them standing by and allowing any student to be treated differently based on skin color. I have seen these teachers stand up for white and black kids alike when the situation warrants--give these teachers some credit. LIS keep up the good work by providing white, black, and all colors of kids in between with opportunities to learn with and from each other in a colorblind environment!