Comment history

trueBahamian says...

The Commissioner and PM are trying to sweep this case under the rug. The aim is nothing happens here. At best the officer resigns and gets a huge pay package and the police wash their hands and say their job is done. This is very serious. NO ONE is pushing the Commissioner or the PM to try to hold their feet to the fire. This is corruption to the nth nth nth power. Everybody involved needs to ne tried. Don't assume for a second it's just this officer and this attorney alone in this level.of corruption. To say you can make files disappear implies other people who are aware of the files have to look the other way as well. That means other officers, perhaps AG office attorneys and everyone who have oversight over them. You can't have a major case and suddenly poof the files are gone and nobody knows anything. Another big question is where is the Bar Association in all of this. People don't realize they are WAY too quiet. Why?

On FBI joins police’s voice note probe

Posted 30 August 2024, 5:11 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

Can we have this article in English? Lol. What does it mean the FBI have joined the probe? What exactly are they doing with regards to this case specifically? Why are journalists not asking questions to clarify for the public the specifics? It's just annoying that readers seem to have a better grasp of journalism than local journalists do. Can we hire people who actually know their jobs.

On FBI joins police’s voice note probe

Posted 30 August 2024, 5:02 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

Let's be clear. This is a very serious situation. The police as well as the attorney involved should be arrested and jailed for what happened here, just based on the content of the tape. Then factoring in the murders as well, this should be additional jail time or perhaps the death penalty. We can't condone lawlessness. This isn't the time birdy for party politics. Bahamians pledge allegiance to the flag not to a party. You're a Bahamian first not a PLP or FNM supporter.

On FBI joins police’s voice note probe

Posted 30 August 2024, 4:58 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

Wow! Lol. Seriously? What he along with Dr. Rolle pointed out are facts. Building a $290m building doesn't change staff shortage, medication shortage and other current shortcomings. I see that you are pro-PLP in your leanings. Let's be clear, these hardline political blind worship isn't helping the country. You along with others like you are aiding and abetting in the destruction of this nation. The current administration is grossly incompetent and reckless. They are bleeding the country dry financially. The PM is on a nonstop rockstar party since he took office. I would admit that we haven't had a good leader for a long time but by far the current PM is a colossal disgrace. This hospital is probably another scam to benefit someone closely aligned to this administration with zero benefit to the population. We need a Commission of Inquiry into the business of this administration and we need to bring in a foreign team of forensic accountants. We need to see ALL of these idiots in jail.

trueBahamian says...

Association members of condos are voted for by the owners. If someone is "absent" and this is a problem then don't vote for that person to be on the Board. Saying that it should be spelt out what is allowed or not, I could agree with that. But, keep in mind there are risks to Airbnbs in condo communities. So, you could have an objection by the majority of owners. As you know these communities go by what's in the best interests of all, not one or two individuals. A lot of communities are against Airbnbs. You have to respect that there is considerable risk to running a hotel style approach within a residential community. Literally anyone could be renting - wanted criminals, people who may be renting yo carryout activities that may not be appropriate for all members of the community.

trueBahamian says...

So the Central Bank just did a comparison on fees across banks. These folks just useless. I recall a couple of times filing complaints with the Central Bank on banks only to be told they ain't getting involved in the complaints. Not to get into the specifics, one of them was something that would have easily led to serious fines and sanctions against the bank in other jurisdictions and also would have resulted in a class action lawsuit. So, it's just mind-blowing the total detachment they have to regulation. They are a window dressing regulator.

trueBahamian says...

The journalism is what it always is, poor. I don't know what they're teaching these folks now.

trueBahamian says...

Why this guy look so pissed in this photo. BPL is a disaster and the current government is using the failings of many administration's to capitalize on the opportunity to make this a huge pay day for their buddies. BPL is going to be a cash cow for the highway robbers disguised as saviors.

trueBahamian says...

Wow! There are a bunch of religions in the world. Who is the the judge to decide which ones should have what rights. You are employing your own bias into this which is grossly unfortunate. Every religion has its rules, its practices, etc. Some points overlap between religions. It is not the job of the state to cherry pick which religions should be given certain rights/respected. People have negative views of Muslims, Hindus and the list goes on. It's just plain ignorance. If you look at things with objectivity, no one was on Earth at the beginning to know the true story. So, simply believe what you believe to be true and respect the men and women next to you whi choose to believe what they deem to be true. If you believe you know the truth in religion then that would make you God (assuming you're Christian). So, just take ir down a notch.

trueBahamian says...

These are some really good points. What we know here is for all of these contracts there is a kickback system in place. There will be tons of shortcomings. We can never be above board on anything when government is involved. Also, why are we not spending money on health education. Most of the issues in this country boils down to poor diet and the lack of exercise. Get these right and we would have less strain on the limited public healthcare resources.