Comment history

truetruebahamian says...

Once the downtown is brought back to being acceptably clean, restored and replenished, the ccruise companies and other foreign heavyweights will absorb, overtake and dictate what happens business wise with these newly beautifully renovated properties and make them into the economic brothels of their own design. We must slap heavy rules, taxes on these mega companies and perhaps have armed NIB and VAT agents to monitor and scrutinise all of their businesses on every island, cay and port. And collect or fine mercilessly. Easy and sensible solutions… you’re welcome!

On Downtown development lack of will?

Posted 20 April 2023, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

Still a disgusting intrusion.

truetruebahamian says...

Interesting and well argued view.

On Jesus focal point of our history

Posted 10 April 2023, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

Congratulations to Swim Team Bahamas!.

truetruebahamian says...

The whole thing is a terrible idea, one which we will live to regret.

truetruebahamian says...

True, the cruise companies have our governments wrapped around their purse strings.

On Carnival cruise port

Posted 1 April 2023, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

make them breed less and responsibly. The excess over two children in a married situation should be taxed. those bastard children who overpopulate should have been spared a confusing life. We cannot support them, and common sense should come into play. If you are going to have sex, over the limit and within the boundaries, get your ovaries and/or your testes chopped!

truetruebahamian says...

An accounting should perhaps be taken on all revenue collected by the cruise ships while in Bahamian territory and particularly on those vessels under Bahamian registry and VAT imposed without restriction on all proceeds.

truetruebahamian says...

Perhaps subjugation of any group rather than the tired worn out racism card that is so gleefully played today in the Bahamas.

truetruebahamian says...

Well said on both matters.

On Harbour Bay parking

Posted 24 March 2023, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal