Comment history

tylamb says...

The Bahamian turned Canadian refugee turned Bahamian again when things got tough in Canada. Also has his non Bahamian family working illegally in the Bahamas.

tylamb says...

The real estate market is significantly artificially high because of foreigners buying up land since 1994. Many realtors and "developers" like Jason Kinsale are driven by greed and could care less about Bahamians and The Bahamas.

Permanent residency and citizenship should never be an entitlement which we ought to barter.

Yes banker, I agree with you. Ask Kinsale about his capital sources and who the real owners are of the developments such as Balmoral. Deals like his also show how weak our vetting regime is.

tylamb says...

Loftus Roker become Min. of Immigration in the mid 80s. Yes there were teachers deported under his tenure. However, he took a hard line stance that every person working in The Bahamas without a valid permit had to leave. It did not matter if you were a domestic worker or an executive, black, yellow, white or green. Perhaps, if we exercised more of his immigration enforcement, The Bahamas would be in a much better place today. All the teachers in my school returned after obtaining their valid permits and schools then were not lax in making applications for renewals.

On Roker blasts leadership as ‘tainted’

Posted 1 September 2016, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

tylamb says...

Meantime the Bahamas is sending a contingent of over 200 people to a cultural celebration in Cuba. Who makes such stupid, crazy, asinine decisions? I really don't think that the Cubans will be coming here as tourists. What is the cost of this trip to Cuba and the many that have led up to it?

tylamb says...

I am really sick and tired of our government wasting money. The last few celebrations starting with the 40th under the direction of Ian Poitier have been mediocre at best. Perhaps Poitier is out of touch with what is relevant in the Bahamas and unable to read the pulse, having spent most of his life in England and involved with the gay agenda. Will we get a week that is worth **1.1 Million dollars**??? Amazing that Tourism is taking the lead on this and not National Security or Culture.

tylamb says...

Has a call been made to the General Manager? Yes Miller is the Chairman, but Basden is accountable for the running of the company. We need to stop allowing others to grasp power and just allow some to abdicate when times are tough. Basden needs to answer

tylamb says...

Dear Sir,

Your article is quite disturbing. The Bahamas has aggressively pursued this event and yet still at this stage the LOC is yet to be formed. See the advertisements for substantive positions -

After this year's carifta while laudable, there were many observations that need to be addressed from many quarters given the magnitude of the IAAF Relays. Aside from this is the cost of mounting events such as this. carifta 2013 pulled heavily from corporate Bahamas and in its wake left the coffers empty for other organisations / charities who depend on corporate donations. One must also has the tough question as to the real benefits, tangible and otherwise of having such events in The Bahamas when we the people end up shouldering the burden. Even more embarrassing when we scurry at the last minute to pull tricks out the hat.

tylamb says...

Unless the Chairmanship of the Sports Authority has changed, I believe the person is Leroy Archer. Mrs. Greene would have made an excellent president.

On Cargill returned as BSF president

Posted 2 January 2013, 1:23 a.m. Suggest removal