Comment history

ucargill says...

Thank you for your response, Big Dee. Please know that your concerns are valid and duly noted. My brother will protect the public trust because he always does the right thing - no matter who is watching. Unfortunately, he stood in the way of NIB purchasing a $15 million 'condemned' building from Tiger Finlayson and he stood in the way when he made local businesses pay National Insurance for their employees. In doing his job excellently, people like Wendell Jones and Tiger Finlayson ended up owing the Bahamian people (you) millions of dollars.

Mr Moss had his own agenda and that agenda was pushed in National Insurance without regard to the law, the needs of NIB, or the public trust. This agenda was made perfectly clear in that 22 page letter Mr Moss wrote to Shane Gibson. This matter began with that letter that somehow was leaked by a coward. That is quite sad and unfortunate, but true.

My brother will only accept what is his just due - no more and no less. He is not looking to have the PLP blindly support unsubstantiated opinions like Mr Moss is doing. He is not looking to keep his job after he slanders an honest man - like Mr Moss is doing. He is not looking to annonymous people to speak the truth to power - like Mr Moss is doing. In all the people I know, my brother will consistently maintain the public trust and abide by the law. You can be assured of that. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

On NIB Chairman refused to give resignation

Posted 7 January 2013, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Big Dee, Do you actually read what is published about this matter? Your comments are quite inconsistent with the actual information in the media. If you have another stream of evidence, do share it. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, PhD.

On Moss 'happy to be out of NIB'

Posted 7 January 2013, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Mr Moss was fired because he started spewing lies about my brother and those lies were exposed; therefore, he was instrumental in his own undoing at National Insurance. His termination is not a PLP issue, it is a management issue. There is nothing to capitalize on in the baseless allegations put forth by Mr Moss about my brother. One thing I do know is that when my brother said anything about Mr Moss, it was true because it was supported by evidence. My brother is an honest man with the highest level of integrity that I have ever witnessed. He had to defend himself against the baseless allegations in Mr Moss’ 22-page letter. When my brother defended himself, my brother had to shine a light on the lies, unsubstantiated speculation and nonsense rhetoric spewed by Mr Moss. At that point, life became uncomfortable – and somewhat intolerable - for Mr Moss. On January 1st, Mr Moss popped his own cork in his press release on Facebook. That is quite sad, but expected of cowards.

My family wished that this matter never occurred; however, we stand united in support of my brother. Those in power need to do the right thing to put this matter behind us. My brother needs to be made whole – the actions of Mr Moss really cut deeply into the reputation my brother took decades to build. And afterward, my brother needs to be reinstated so that he can continue the work that he started. In all of the Bahamas, my brother is the best person for the position of Director of NIB – his experience, academic and track record at NIB support my position. The sooner this is done, the better for the nation. Only then can all of the talk about nationalism and prosperity gain the necessary traction to improve the lives of the average Bahamian. The nation is watching…Grace and peace. Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D., Princeton Class of 2007

On Moss 'happy to be out of NIB'

Posted 7 January 2013, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

It continues to amaze me that Mr Moss’ anonymous allies do not have the courage to tell him that in order for him to level claims against anyone, especially my brother, those claims must be supported by evidence. Claims without evidence are merely baseless speculations, invalidated opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture. Moreover, when people around Mr Moss get caught up in the ground swell of an ‘ego on steroids,’ there is no room for anyone to verbalize his/her opinion, especially when this opinion is contrary to Mr Moss’.

Anyone who purports to have gone to law school and later passed the Bar would know that allegations must be supported by proof; otherwise, slander, libel, defamation of character and outright lies are being shared with the Bahamian public. Spreading lies to the Bahamian public is a fundamental violation of the public trust, and Mr Moss, in his 22 page letter to Shane Gibson spewed lies and conjecture about my brother. The sad part is that today his anonymous source is saying that Mr Moss has begun to believe his own lies. That is pitiful. If someone like Mr Moss says something often enough, he actually believes his own rhetoric. Thankfully, the Prime Minister is not like Mr Moss.

If Mr Moss were actually interested in building, uplifting and advancing the interests of the Bahamas, he would never have attacked my brother. When looking at my brother’s actual track record at NIB, there is evidence to show that the nation was enhanced, the average Bahamian was heard, the law of the land was respected, and the Treasury was enhanced by $1.6 billion. The sad thing that Mr Moss built was a sea of lies, supported by anonymous people who ‘leak’ 22 pages of unsubstantiated opinions, and reinforced by anonymous people who weakly attempt to leave shards of untruth in the press. The PLP leadership did the right thing – at least Mr Moss was given an opportunity to resign. That was more than what Mr Moss had in store for my innocent brother.

On Moss 'happy to be out of NIB'

Posted 7 January 2013, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Greetings Big Dee,
How would you like to be fired for doing your job? How would you like to be fired for doing an excellent job for the pay that was agreed upon? You are asking the Prime Minister to fire my brother, who has done nothing wrong; that is unconscionable. My brother's experience and job responsibilities are lined up with the salary he earned. Moreover, at least six (6) of the leaders who are in NIB now received 'bonuses' before they had been on the job for 6 months. That is incredible. Yes, some people do live high on the hog because of the brow, sweat and tears of the Bahamian people. My brother is not one of those people.
My brother does not receive pay for hours not worked. He does not receive kick-backs or bribes. His integrity is second to none; he works very hard; years ago he went to college while he worked full-time where he earned an MBA; he has decades of experience in finance, banking, corporate Bahamas; he worked an average of at least 65 hours per week and was on-call 24 hours per day; 7 days per week. My brother earned every dime he was paid; he prospered the Bahamas Treasury by $1.6 billion and embraced all of his duties as Director of NIB.
The fact of the matter is that Gregory Moss took your National Insurance money and charged up a credit card to the tune of $811.10. Those in power knew about it and did nothing. That is shameful and disgraceful. Simply because Mr Moss later paid back the money does not make his actions less shameful. Further, Mr Moss used a phone call as his reason to pay $15,000 of your hard earned NIB money to someone who could afford to go to Doctors Hospital. Folks in power knew about it and did nothing about it.
Yes, Big Dee, there is something peculiar going on at NIB and yes, the Prime Minister needs to do something about it. The solution starts with conducting an audit to see how your hard earned money sent to National Insurance was spent in 2002 and another forensic audit to see how your hard earned money was spent after my brother was mandated to move aside. Then, let's talk about who should go to jail. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

On NIB Chairman refused to give resignation

Posted 6 January 2013, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Where were you when fingers were being pointed at my brother? Your feign attempts at altruism and feeble efforts at taking the high road are shameful and disappointing. Silence is not an option when an injustice is perpetuated by those in power, especially when this abuse of power affects the Bahamian public who have been silenced and marginalized for far too long. Silence is not an option when $1.6 billion in National Insurance revenue is controlled by those who historically have demonstrated a penchant for self-interest over national interest. And, silence is not an option when someone attacks my brother. With leaders who fail to embrace the advantages of fiscal transparency, and with a system of government that has no opportunity for open public disclosure of expenditures, $1.6 billion can quickly evolve to a $100 million deficit.
For the record, somehow when my brother was brought into National Insurance, there had been a deficit of approximately $100 million. Somehow, there is now a convicted embezzler on the National Insurance board who was placed on the Board by Gregory Moss and who voted in the approval of Moss’ misappropriation of $15,000 for a heart patient in Doctor’s Hospital. Somehow in these trying times, days after my brother was maligned and then suspended, a dilapidated/condemned building owned by Tiger Finlayson was purchased by National Insurance for $15 million. How deep is the applicant pool in the Bahamas when anyone who has a history of managing a deficit or mismanaging funds becomes a leader in a $1.6 billion enterprise? In my thinking, track record is a predictor of future performance. I pray I am wrong.
In this time and age, actions speak louder than words. After my brother is made whole and also ennobled in his quest to continuously improve the National Insurance system, I will be the first person to sing the praises of Shane Gibson and anyone else who has the courage to do the right thing. Until then, I will be loyal to God, and then my brother – above all else. To thine own self be true. Who are you, John? As you can see, I am not hiding behind a pseudonym. I am not waiting in the cut for a crumb from anyone’s table. By grace, I have been blessed and through grace, I have been given the courage to now be completely engaged in thwarting this character assassination of my brother. You come for my brother and he will comply with the law because that is the cloth from which he is cut. Me…I have nothing to lose. Grace and peace. Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

On Gibson: NIB board will carry on

Posted 6 January 2013, 6 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

I will stop when there is justice.

On Gibson: NIB board will carry on

Posted 5 January 2013, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

In politics, it is critical to have unity and speak with one voice. This confusion at NIB began when Gregory Moss maligned my brother’s character/reputation and somehow 22 pages of unsubstantiated allegations in a letter from Moss to Gibson were leaked to the public. This document is the catalyst for what we have today. To really get to the truth about NIB, this forensic audit (who is the auditor anyway?) needs to include the period of my brother’s tenure while simultaneously auditing transactions before (under Shane Gibson’s leadership) and after my brother's tenure. That is how one pursues truth and justice for the public trust. Only then can the public be confident that the truth is coming from Shane Gibson’s lips. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

On Gibson: NIB board will carry on

Posted 5 January 2013, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

With all due respect to Mr Gibson, it is fundamentally impossible for Gregory Moss to receive an NIB credit card when he was appointed chairman in "the package" he received from my brother. Based on my experience with receiving and distributing corporate credit cards, the issuance of all corporate credit cards is based on specific information from the applicant; and like every applicant, Mr Moss provided documents and information – all done weeks after he began his tenure with NIB. It is also patently obvious that Mr Gibson is not aware that the world renowned financial system of the Bahamas requires Mr Moss to complete an application, provide identification and any other supporting documentation before a $25,000 credit card is issued. With this requirement, Mr Moss could not have received the credit card as part of a ‘welcome to NIB' package. Therefore, my brother did not give any credit card to Moss when he joined the Board.
What is abundantly clear is that Mr Gibson needs to actually look at this welcome package he references in the interview before he mentions this package to exonerate Mr Moss in this paltry manner. Welcome packages have information about the company, policies and procedures and a check-off sheet with signature to document the contents. Like Perry Christie who has distanced himself from mis-stating the facts, Mr Gibson would serve himself well to also distance himself from statements that clearly show his lack of awareness of the extent to which Gregory Moss would go to flimsily elevate himself above the average Bahamian.
Mr Gibson’s leadership of NIB is coming into question with unsubstantiated statements about my brother. What else has Moss done that Mr Gibson is covering up or validating? With Patrick Davis - a Supreme Court convicted embezzler - on the Board, it is clear to me that Mr Gibson made little effort to ensure that the composition of the Board reflects the high integrity needed to manage $1.6 billion. Mr Davis was brought to the Board by Gregory Moss and is still at NIB today. Rather than inform Perry Christie with truth about the credit cards, Mr Gibson admitted that he lied to the Prime Minister by stating that the card was not in Moss’ possession. What other lies is Mr Gibson spewing? Has he ever fast-tracked immigration forms for celebrities? Does he have receipts for all work done to his house?

On Gibson: NIB board will carry on

Posted 5 January 2013, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Every person has a right to chose to whom he or she will be loyal. To question that right is to question the very fibre that undergirds the electoral system. Loyalty can be based on scientific principle, blind trust or tradition, among other reasons.

On NIB Chairman refused to give resignation

Posted 4 January 2013, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal