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unitee says...

What makes no sense to me is she claims she was denied treatment, when in fact she was able to see the doctor and receive the service she came for. Haitians have been playing victims from the gate. They have this sense of entitlement that we, the Bahamas owe them something... It's useless arguing about this because if concerned Bahamians challenge the current situation of this increase in migrants, particularly Haitians, then we are considered bigots, racists, prejudice. The woman said she was denied access, all of a sudden she is being mistreated. You will begin to see many Haitians taking this very same stance because Mr. Smith has empowered them to believe they can sue for any and everything. His modus operandi is to see all immigration policies amended to ensure Haitians have full rights in this country, whether right or wrong.

unitee says...

It seems to me a lot of women are denied bail in the Bahamas. What's up with that? The hardened criminals are granted it and back on the street in no time gang banging. Makes no sense to me.

unitee says...

While we sit on social media and various pages discussing what GBHR and others are doing they are out in the vineyard ensuring that all those who need to be informed of what they believe is unjust and inhumane as it relates to the immigration policy. Little that you all know Ms. Daphne Campbell, Jetta Baptiste, Fred Smith and the group have been lobbying since this policy was enacted. They sent a letter to OAS, Robert Kennedy Human Rights group, President Obama, the US Embassy and I also understand Great Britain. We should feel ashamed as Bahamians because all we do is talk amongst ourselves and do absolutely nothing!! If you want to be heard and feel only one side of the story has been told then get out and lobby. Fred Smith is a lawyer and a very good one too. He s making things happen. Send your letters but none of you will do that. You'll continue to complain in your corners, while changes are being made.