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unknownsource242 says...

Successful minds always try to create other opprtunities in life...

unknownsource242 says...

Sadely I have been trying the 52 weeks job programme when it first commenced in August 2016 if I'm correct. I feel so depressed that I am doing all it takes to secure a spot currenly. I even went to a few politicians to get on the list but they were all empty promises. I am doing everything in my power to get employed. I will admit that over the years I have messed up in receiving a proper education. I'm a smart individual who can do anything and I will get everything that I have not gotten with my faith and continuous efforts . What hope is there for people who are trying to get another opportunity or for people who just are in need of work to do things for themselves and as well as for their families. I hope that we as people can better the system in the Bahamas. I empathize with all those job hunters who seek help from different departments I encourage you all to... "Stay Encouraged My People And Nothing Is Impossible Once You Believe In yourselves''.