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vgutyio says...

I will agree with you that labor unions are not biblical. But hear this, once the folly of allowing unions to take a hold of a society and its employment system is established, it is next to impossible to remove or fix. Anyone that touches it will cause hell fire to rise up and consume the entire country with the “wrath” of the workers. As the old black book would say “folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low place”.

If you look close enough at reality you will notice “servants riding upon horses” and “princes walking as servants upon the earth”. The old black book is still as true as gravity itself.

On T.U.C. president speaks out

Posted 7 May 2014, 2:56 a.m. Suggest removal

vgutyio says...

No we are not better than this. This is what you call the status quo and it sinks to the lowest common denominator. And what is the lowest common denominator in this country? The same garbage you see in the majority of the comments here. Everyday is election day in this country, *every* *single* *day*.

vgutyio says...

- I am not surprised at how base and pathetic some of the comments are on this site. It makes complete sense. Let us not get ahead of ourselves, the Bahamas deserves *every* single ounce of pain and misery it is currently experiencing. I can say this with sure *certainty*.

- The mentality here is so simplistic and base, almost every comment here drips with party affiliation. Too bad if many here were to sit down and think, you would realize that your government or “governments” produce less than jack squat. Only fools look at government as some kind of piñata that two sides fight over.

If I asked you what came first, the government or the people, I would hope to God you say the people. But many do not even grasp that simple reality. No government forms without the people giving it its power and duty. You are the ones who pay and hire the government to run your country. You hire them to say and do whatever you might see reported here in this news article.

In essence, the people of a country will hire a government that best matches the *mentality* of the general population. The folly of this government and the general populace does not marvel me anymore. Like that old proverb says “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.”