Comment history

vinceP says...

@ Honestman,


How many of her former clients allegedly escaped charges for possession of an illegal firearm?

vinceP says...

@ Sickened, you correct! Its so sad to see who you would think are sensible Bahamians, supporting this corrupt PLP,and doing it with a straight face. This country will NEVER be any better as along as the PLP are in power.

On Wells and Rollins join the FNM

Posted 4 November 2015, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

@ BahamaPundit,

What you need to take into consideration is that Digicel, nor Virgin Mobile Bahamas has any infrastructure in place, to realistically compete. The Virgin Mobile model of infrastructure sharing was out the question, in a country where there is just one cellular service provider.Where exactly would the redundancy exist, if Virgin had won, and piggy backed on BTC's network, and BTC once again experienced the kind of Network outage it had recently.

vinceP says...

This is in fact excellent news, However; i do not trust this PLP Government. Cable Bahamas Ltd has been a publicly traded company for as long as I can remember, so please tell me what is the point of "NewCo" retaining 51% shares, which is supposed to be held for the Bahamian people to purchase, when in fact, any Bahamian can go and purchase shares in Cable Bahamas Ltd right now? This "NewCo" thing that the Government has concocted is really stink!

vinceP says...

This Perry Christie led Government cannot be trusted, so lets face it, chances are, the so called "Virgin Mobile" group, embedded with perhaps the old "blue water" crew will be given the next license, despite the fact that they have absolutely no infrastructure in place, and can only piggy back on BTC's lousy network, and if that's permitted, then we will be worst off than what we were before, because that means that whenever btc has an outage affecting their Cell/Data network, then Virgin Mobile Bahamas will also be affected. The PLP just can't be trusted to do the right thing.

On New mobile provider unveiled in October

Posted 30 September 2015, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

Listen, this process is a big joke!!! URCA has once again succeeded in showing that they are not qualified and completely inept as regulators. This PLP Governement cannot be trusted, and what's more suspect is that stipulation of wanting "51%" of the shares for the Bahamian people. For many years now, we have been able to purchase shares in Cable Bahamas, yet, here it is, several years after the BTC sale, we still can't buy 1 share in BTC, and now the PLP Government want to come with yet another convoluted deal? URCA nor this Government can be trusted!! I wonder what deals have been made with the Virgin mobile group. I would be very surprised if the untrustworthy Government does not give that license to the Virgin group, who we all know little about. blue water anyone?

On Mobile auction delayed again

Posted 16 September 2015, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

Listen, this process is a big joke!!! URCA has once again succeeded in showing that they are not qualified and completely inept as regulators. This PLP Governement cannot be trusted, and what's more suspect is that stipulation of wanting "51%" of the shares for the Bahamian people. For many years now, we have been able to purchase shares in Cable Bahamas, yet, here it is, several years after the BTC sale, we still can't buy 1 share in BTC, and now the PLP Government want to come with yet another convoluted deal? URCA nor this Government can be trusted!! I wonder what deals have been made with the Virgin mobile group. I would be very surprised if the untrustworthy Government does not give that license to the Virgin group, who we all know little about. blue water anyone?

On Mobile auction delayed again

Posted 16 September 2015, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

Bruh, it don't take a genius to see that URCA has an agenda which involves making life as difficulty as it possibly can for Cable Bahamas. As lousy as BTC's service is, how come we don't see them getting down on BTC? Seems fishy to me.....

vinceP says...

Actually, I don't think it has nothing to do with "curry favor". URCA is a joke! These people are, specifically the head of URCA, have been tasked with regulating the Communications industry in the Bahamas, and here it is, URCA's head is an account, and the directory of policy is an attorney, and we know what damage attorney's can inflict. Aside from them, i highly doubt that URCA has 1 former employee from Cable Bahamas, but I'll bet my last dollar that they have quite a bit from BTC. Anyone can see that the odds are stacked against Cable Bahamas, and its things like that that will always cause the Bahamas to be the brunt of many jokes. It is common knowledge at this point, that BTC's towers, or the vast majority of them, do not accommodate dual sharing by more than one mobile provider/ wireless broadband. Clearly URCA is trying to stifle Cable's progress, and it just makes no sense, and would leave one to assume either URCA is just filled with IDOTS, or the Government is influencing them. Mobile phone services are the thing of the past! For some reason, someone is afraid that if Cable builds out their wireless broadband network, that BTC may experience a bigger hit than previously anticipated, and not to mention what it would do to Virgin Mobile's model. Data is the future, and frankly, BTC's network is not on par with Cable's.

vinceP says...


I'm so tired of y'all sheepish Bahamians. Listen, as long as y'all idiots keep voting PLP/FNM, then y'all won't get anything different.

On ‘Believing in Bahamians?’

Posted 2 June 2015, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal