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vision101 says...

Regarding the comment by birdiestrachan, please tell me why it is you feel Bahamian women should be punished because Bahamian men are falling behind? Why are those men falling behind, especially when they are offered the same opportunities and in some cases more opportunities and rights as Bahamian women? Don't punish one gender for the faults of another. Bahamian men need to get educated, stop chasing every gown tail that walks by, creating multiple illegitimate children and not supporting them, looking for a quick easy buck, having crimanalistic minds and stand up strong to make the difficult choices and sacrifices that makes a REAL man and not one who thinks he is a man because he was born with a male part. Real men make the sacrifices and realize that if they build themselves up, they also build up the Bahamian women and Bahamian families. don't punish a women because men are failing at their jobs and women are having to be both woman and man.


vision101 says...

Regarding the comment by birdiestrachan, please tell me why it is you feel Bahamian women should be punished because Bahamian men are falling behind? Why are those men falling behind, especially when they are offered the same opportunities and in some cases more opportunities and rights as Bahamian women? Don't punish one gender for the faults of another. Bahamian men need to get educated, stop chasing every gown tail that walks by, creating multiple illegitimate children and not supporting them, looking for a quick easy buck, having crimanalistic minds and stand up strong to make the difficult choices and sacrifices that makes a REAL man and not one who thinks he is a man because he was born with a male part. Real men make the sacrifices and realize that if they build themselves up, they also build up the Bahamian women and Bahamian families. don't punish a women because men are failing at their jobs and women are having to be both woman and man.

vision101 says...

Bahamian people please get educated and stop indulging in ignorance. Equality of rights between men and women are essential in our changing world. The proposal for a Bahamian woman marrying a foreign spouse to have the same rights as a Bahamian man does not change traditional gender roles (if that is your preferred view), that man, although a foriegner can still hold a leadership role. There are Bahamian men marrying foreign women who come to the country and have to seek employment; therefore this idea of a man fully supporting a woman once he marries her is an archaic view and one that is almost impossible in the society we live in as far as economics. BOTH the man and woman are having to work to keep the family financially afloat. Why is it right for a Bahamian man to have these human rights but Bahamian women not be afforded the same rights?