Comment history

voltairehumor says...

creative entrance

voltairehumor says...

you funny

voltairehumor says...

so giving more money to the government is the solution? interesting...

voltairehumor says...

how the heck did these guys get elected? Who misses Papa?

voltairehumor says...

yeah you should stop using the US

voltairehumor says...

economy is in the dump...embrace the income

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 28 August 2014, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

voltairehumor says...

i'd say a major problem is that the criminals have infiltrated many sectors of society. Crooks in politics, crooks in the police, and crooks as regular civilians. Not saying everyone is a bad guy but where do you start to sort the good from the bad?

voltairehumor says...

"It's better in the Bahamas...."

voltairehumor says...

probably drowned, heart attack, etc. then a shark ate the body. RIP

On American goes missing while shark diving

Posted 17 July 2014, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

voltairehumor says...

Bimini is still part of the Bahamas? I had not a clue.