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wachawant says...

Holding a referendum on oil drilling is of much more importance than a referendum on gaming. It is with great sadness that I place the blame for losing this right squarely on the FNM and the Media for politicizing the referendum process. During the referendum on gaming, the Media assisted and abetted the FNM in making the referendum a completely political process, rather than a matter that included real nonpartisan issues to be decided by the Bahamian people. The politicization of the referendum process is a treacherous act, which makes a mockery of nation building and progress for all Bahamians.

I am a supporter of the FNM on many things, but in this they acted like children and should be scolded. In order to score a cheap political victory, they degraded the entire referendum process. It is for this reason that I cannot blame the PLP for their actions today in allowing exploratory drilling in The Bahamas prior to a referendum. The reason being, the idea of holding a referendum no longer exists in The Bahamas. A referendum has now become a game or rallying cry, where one political party tries to make the other party look bad by obtaining a majority "No" vote.

In moving forward, the issue of holding a referendum on oil drilling is of less importance than The Bahamas Government negotiating the protection of the long term interests of the Bahamian people. The rate of royalties on oil extracted must be increased from 12.5% to 18%, which reflects the internationally accepted rate and is charged by the US for offshore drilling. I would hope the rate would be raised further to 25%, because The Bahamas has much more to lose than the US from an oil spill.

Hopefully, one day the term referendum will not be a politically charged and sullied noun. It will stand for the people of The Bahamas being granted the right to determine their destiny. Until that time, however, I do not expect any political party to suffer the absurd degradation and political maelstrom that occurs from holding a national referendum.