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wasturrup8493 says...

I have only been alive but 22 years, I believe however; it would be wiser to explain to the Bahamian people just exactly how this works in black and white. Make it plain and simple. The citizens of this country are already weary because of the unexplained VAT situation, because it doesn't seem to be helping the country in the way that they claimed it would be. Even if it is, we the people don't know. If Prime Minister Christie can clear up all the gray areas that his administration has created. Then we will be able to trust more than he is allowing us to.

On PM asks people to 'trust him' over NHI

Posted 25 January 2016, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Psalm 34:7

On Pastor beaten and family terrorised

Posted 18 January 2016, 8:09 a.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

This is what happens when you have old, senile men as leaders. There is no chance for the young in this country. All parties are suffering from a lack of indecisive and incompetent leadership. Old men won't die and bright(mentally) young men are not afforded opportunities. They are not open to ideas nor to trying something a different way. Fact is that most great leaders were sane, sober and current. As a young Bahamian it is sad to say that in my eyes,all hope is lost for my country. I don't vote because the biggest issue in politics is color and not policy. We vote based on feelings instead of facts. Look at it, we have a whole lot of lawyers and doctors yet there is no clean cut legislation. Hate that my country sucks so much.

On Minnis 'planning council shake-up'

Posted 8 January 2016, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

They need a better lawn too. The grass doesn't look plush enough.

wasturrup8493 says...

Yo this lady upsets me man. I really wanna pull off what Guy Fawkes failed to do sometimes man. I don't trust any of their words and I'd rather see the figures then I'd believe man. The lady who killed that dude earlier this year is back on the streets again and I know she's more than the two that AMG was talking about. They really gotta do better man. I believe in the Commissioner yo, but the damn lawyers none of whom are politicians really need to step down.

wasturrup8493 says...

Donkey of the Day goes to Greg Munroe.

On Munroe: Flog the immigrants

Posted 7 December 2015, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

We should find a deserted island that is pretty far from any of the main inhabited islands, build a prison on that island. Remove the rest of the prisoners from Fox Hill and make that place like a Guantanamo Bay and make governments pay the Bahamian people, not the government to hold their terrorists and criminals.

wasturrup8493 says...

Anyone who knows business and politics knows that the VAT scheme and the taxing of the gaming houses was nothing more than a scheme to swindle. We all should know that there is no quick fix to our debt problem and the bank has 1, 3 and 6 month maturities on these notes. So you will be repaid at the time of maturity with interest. Read Bahamas. and furthermore this is a tool of the government to help Bahamian people make money. Take advantage of it.

On Gov’t to break $200m Treasury Notes mark

Posted 12 November 2015, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

Whoever or whatever. Be it the fault of Mrs. Turner or the government, politics should never be this disgusting that it hinders to persons who are virtually helpless. These are the type of things that make me wanna succeed at what Guy Fawkes failed to do. These people really do need to stop. How you put politics over the people yo. That moved was messed up in all types a ways and let me had been in Long Island and gotten to the bottom of that. Whoever was responsible would never be allowed back to Long Island unless they were prepared to come on a one way ticket. Grow up people in Parliament Square. Grow flippin up!

wasturrup8493 says...

So now he realizes that fighting crime is everyone's duty. One thing I don't get about the PLP is that they seem to have the spec and log syndrome that Jesus was talking about in 7:1-6. Nothing seems funny when the shoe is on the other foot. The PLP is realizing now that they should've taken the log out of their eye first before talking about the spec in the eye of the FNM. The same subject that they used to overthrow their rivals is now one of the many plagues that is apart of the Achilles heel of this government. With that being said, the problem that I have with all of these politicians and political parties is that they are far too saturated with doctors and lawyers who act the part but really do not have the slightest hint on what it is to rule a country and frankly hardly have control in their own homes.

There is a saying that goes, " Charity starts at home and extends abroad"

If we ever want to see any change in our country especially with the murder rates we have to see more from our leaders, specifically from the men of the cloth. It is really funny how the BCC (Bahamas Christian Council) have so much to say on really minor issues like gambling and they have nothing to say about the murder rate of the country. Instead of preaching feel good and prosperity gospels every Saturday or Sunday, they should be out in the road as Jesus was showing them the path to life more abundant.

As I regress, the problem of crime is very serious and I believe that we as a people need to not only speak up and stand up, but actually do something about it. We need to take our communities back and refuse for our neighborhoods to be asylum to hardened criminals. Let's put aside the colors and screw the politicians. We need to do this for our children and their children after them. When we hand over to them this gift that we call the Bahamas, let us do our best to make sure that it isn't soaked in blood.

On Wilchcombe: Murder record is a disgrace

Posted 12 November 2015, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal