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wasturrup8493 says...

Mr McCartney is doing to much talking for the likes of people who are similar to me. What you need to be doing sir is showing the people of the Bamboo Town constituency and to a greater effect, The Bahamas why you should be their leader. It's all well and dandy to blow up the press sir, but your people need to see you involved in their lives. You just talk to much man. You gotta start getting involved in your community and show them that you actually care and by active leadership in your constituency the country will take notice. Put in work and stop paying dues. The people know what is what.

On Bran says he wants another chance in Bamboo Town

Posted 11 November 2015, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

I love this article. Something that I have seen in Christendom is that we have fallen in love with sensationalism and showmanship. Many pastors and many of whom sit on the Christian Council preach a different message than Jesus did. They live in comfort and luxury as well as do many members of the church and have not the love of Jesus Christ in them. Why is it that many of these men who claim to be ministers of the gospel are afraid to go into Nassau Village and Bain Town, Fox Hill and the other lowly places and teach the word of God to my dying brothers and sisters? Why don't they go into the rich places and say what Jesus said to the rich young ruler? Why can't the open their mouths and tell the men who govern the nation when they are wrong and stop being involved over gambling when there are people who are hungry, naked, homeless and hurting?

We need men who have the Spirit of Elijah, Elisha, Nathan, Jeremiah, Daniel, Isaiah, Paul, Peter, John and the other great men of God. It is almost as if these men are ashamed of the word of God save they are being paid for it. Please don't get me wrong, there are still great men of God who serve Him with all their might. We do need however, men who will feed Jesus' sheep if they love him.

Finally my sister, we ought not to worry of the salvation of others because that is a matter that only God should be concerned with. I would like to encourage you to serve the Lord where you are and to continue to do so with all your heart. May God bless you and keep you in all your ways. May you ever abound in the grace, peace and love of Christ until His return. Amen.

wasturrup8493 says...

I love to hear things like this. It's nothing like when you have private organizations free from the influence of politics, doing things in the community. It would have been better if they made the MP's join and match whatever was raised from their personal funds to pump back some of the money they stole back into the people. It's about time they get taxed.

On Bahamians answer the call for help

Posted 29 October 2015, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

Whatever the donations are up to now, I say go up by 10. That's being nice. If they say 60M, I expect 70M to go missing for which no answer can be given as to how the funds went missing. It happens.

On NEMA expects to begin repairs on november 2

Posted 29 October 2015, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

So let me get this straight, these guys went ahead and continued construction without having the permits needed or prerequisite approval for them. I agree with Mr. Symonette, heads should be rolling, 38 to be exact. Everyone fell off on this one man for real. Mr. Christie and Davis have put together one of the worst terms that I have seen any party put out since we started choosing our leaders. If you ask me, we should call a bye-election and oust these clowns in a landslide to the opposition and give them 90 days probation before we boot them too. Not a good look for the leaders at all man. Not a good look. Get it together people. What we do in this country should never be for us but to build a future for the generations to come after us. Prov. 13:22 "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."

Please, on behalf of my fellow citizens, get it right. Who knows some other Bahamians who feel how I feel might not be able to keep our peace any longer and give you leaders the boot before five years is up.

On Work stopped at The Pointe

Posted 29 October 2015, 8:21 a.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

I don't know why we expected a wave of a wand and then for Baha Mar to magically appear. Doesn't take a rocket science to see that a project that big would have taken a lot more time than it took to build Atlantis if don properly. I really can respect the honesty from the anonymous source and the conservative projection from the minister.

Here is the true beginning or end for the Baha Mar brand.

On ‘Up to a year’ to finish Baha Mar

Posted 27 October 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

"Prime Minister Perry Christie’s expressed disappointment over the layoffs, adding that she shared his optimism that there will be a positive outcome “soon”.

> Sarkis Izmirlian’s letter to his former 2,026 Baha Mar staff shows there is no “imminent” breakthrough likely in the impasse over the $3.5 billion project, a senior private sector executive believes.

Enough said.

wasturrup8493 says...

Okay, so let me get this right, Mrs. Maynard-Gibson doesn't want to play politics no more that Baha Mar has become a fiasco. If you look at it Mrs. Gibson, this whole downfall is the governments fault. From the size of the project the government should have supervised this project and made sure that it was done in phases. Furthermore, why did she decline to issue a statement regarding the status of negotiations that have everything to do with the lives of Bahamian, more importantly, young Bahamian people.

Apart from her, Peter Turnquest nor Brenville McCartney should have anything to say about anything. If you ask me both the government and the opposition parties are a mix of clowns, monkeys and elephants that makes it safe to say that Parliament is one hell of a circus. If you ask me Loretta Butler-Turner is a joke too. The problem with our politics is this, too many politicians.....too little people.

On ‘Don’t play politics over Baha Mar’

Posted 27 October 2015, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

First off I want to extend my love and sympathy for my brothers and sisters in the southern islands who are still feeling the effects of Hurricane Joaquin. I feel that this story had much more to do with how lousy the government and most of it's affiliate agencies are than the devastation of the island. It is clear that the past nor present governments, starting from the local level straight up to Parliament square never think long term in their actions. They are more reactive than proactive. No surprise that the men and women of our Defense Force are under equipped as usual and the perfect time for St John the Baptist Church to 'ask for donations.' That church should be busy trying to help the community in which they are situated instead of begging for money to repair a building. What happened to the years and years of tithe and offering money? You should at least have a savings account. For those who would wish to rebut by calling for electrical and building supplies, the people are hungry and need food, water and clothes more than anything else right now. NEMA is a hot mess. How could you send a box and four tires to people who need an emergency vehicle. Better you send nothing at all than more rubbish to add to the trash heap. The local government there sucks just as much as it does in Freeport. It's clear that the possibility of the worst was always possible to happen and they didn't put the measures in place. The drainage and power systems in most of the outer islands have been past needing upgrades as well as most major government facilities like airports and clinics and roads.

I believe that the aftermath of Joaquin has left us with many lessons. Most important, being prepared is the best way to meet any challenge that we are faced with.