Comment history

watcher says...

Wreaked havoc, not reeked. If the Tribune is going to have paid advertisements masquerading as stories, then at least spellcheck them.

watcher says...

They preserved, or they persevered? One is being pickled, the other is they carried on.

watcher says...

I guess (it's all we can do given that government doesn't explain these statistics properly) that covid accelerates or exacerbates existing illnesses such heart disease, diabetes etc.

watcher says...

@ economist. Quote......And we have the money. the Minister of Toursim and Aviation was just talking how the government is now spending $7.5 million a month on Bahamasair

The sad truth is that Bahamasair has voters, people dead from Corona don't vote. Government sees testing as a waste if resources until people start to show symptoms of having the virus.

On UPDATED: Sandilands nurse dies of COVID-19

Posted 22 August 2020, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

watcher says...

Topdude -have you tried praying away the virus? Hmmm.

watcher says...

I agree with the sentiments behind the protest, but maybe they should have formed a Facebook or Instagram group? One of my biggest concerns going forward to next week is that the queues at supermarkets, food stores and water depots will only make matters worse. And Mr Minnis is now expecting these businesses to keep their refrigeration units on 24/7 so that we will have 'fresh' produce to buy? Madness!!

On TUESDAY'S UPDATES: PM reverses new measures

Posted 18 August 2020, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

watcher says...

Guess this is the best time for our nation's few remaining tobacco users to kick their habit. Always look on the bright side of life.

watcher says...

Who you going to sell your product to, if nobody is allowed out of their house and food stores can't open?

watcher says...

I was going to post a similar statistic about Vietnam. It can only be because either people are not wearing masks when outside, the mad queues at supermarkets etc or there are large family gatherings where the protocols are not being followed. Whatever the reason, we are now truly in the throes of the pandemic.

On 63 new cases of COVID-19, one more death

Posted 17 August 2020, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

watcher says...

It sounds as if the writer equates having a pension with having to remain silent on matters of national importance. By that same token perhaps the Graduate would say that I, as a fellow senior citizen, am not allowed to voice my support for Dame Joan?