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wearedone says...

This is what happens when you let government people get involved. Don't remember these problems at Atlantis or at the recent LPIA expansion. Pretty soon Bahamians will seek shelter in Haiti from how bad things are going to be here.

On Baha Mar delayed

Posted 1 August 2014, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

wearedone says...

It is time for a revolution in this beautiful country of ours. We need to take a stand against this government. We need protests, marches, anything to show that we are sick and tired of what is being done to us. Why can it be done in other countries but not in ours? These idiot politicians only care about themselves.

On Vendors evicted at Straw Market

Posted 14 July 2014, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

wearedone says...

It doesn't matter your political affiliation. ANY person who owes money in property taxes should have a lien put on the property and have a certain time to pay off the money owed. If not done they should have the property taken away and put up for auction/sale. I'm sure she can find some old drug money to pay off the taxes owed to the government.

wearedone says...

Looks like Twisted Lime to me. Not really all that expensive.

wearedone says...


wearedone says...

No need to get your panties in a bunch. They are destroying the only thing going for the Bahamas at this time, it's beautiful waters and everything that lives in it. That Florida fisherman probably knows more about the Bahamas than most people that live here.


Posted 25 May 2014, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal

wearedone says...

Well it looks like they do have some power, and thankfully so. Why would anyone want this to go on in Bimini? This government is the biggest joke. Full of idiots.


Posted 24 May 2014, 10:07 p.m. Suggest removal

wearedone says...


wearedone says...

And that my friend is what needs to happen here. Until the people of our country don't demand change, it will never happen. Like I have said before, It's time for a revolt by us. We can not sit around and watch this happen to us anymore. We need to take a stand.…

wearedone says...

This guy is the biggest piece of crap in all of this government. it's time for a public uprising. At least once a month there are articles like this. We are constantly being robbed by our own government. Until when? We have people dying, being raped, and starving all over this country and these assholes keep on getting richer. Bahamas we must revolt against this government. We must take action now.