Comment history

wellsy242 says...

what is good for the goose is good for the gander

wellsy242 says...

birdie, it was Davis who said he had a national crime fighting plan before coming into office. He said he would get things done on day 1. Day 1 has long been gone and nothing has happened. It was the PLP who counted murders by placing billboard signs up.

wellsy242 says...

It was ashamed when the PLP erected murder rate billboards. Birdie why don't you speak on that when the PLP was in opposition

wellsy242 says...

birdie wasn't it your government who plastered all the murder signs when they were in opposition? were the plp looking for political points then too?

wellsy242 says...

KFC prices will rise again to offset this additional cost. Good luck 2 piece chicken will probably skyrocket over $12

wellsy242 says...

Birdie why are you using what the FNM did to justify what the PLP is doing is justifiable? both should be condemned. Anything this New Day do, you agree with.

wellsy242 says...

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a setup to make it look the FNM did this. Anything is possible with this new day.

wellsy242 says...

Birdie we are waiting on you for a response.

wellsy242 says...

Pure facts...birdiestrachan will find some way to blame Minnis and the FNM for this.

wellsy242 says...

Hopefully the FNM comes back into power so that they can purchase the fuel hedge so that our electricity bills can go back down. My YTD bill has increased 50% compared to the same period for 2022.

On Sands accuses govt of victimising women

Posted 13 September 2023, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal