Comment history

wetman says...

All this suffering and starvation now... for what? To force a business in a tough economic time to risk everyone's job? I say to eat little and live long. Pinder and Fergie will bully people to follow their selfish, greedy souls for what? Get a collective agreement, to get 1 or 2% increase a year, so you get a cheque for $15 in 2026? Don't show up small-mindedness here... read what is happening in similar situation around the Caribbean. Butch probably born in the morning, but I am sure it wasn't ***this*** morning...

wetman says...

licks2, you too dotish. You can't read, write, spell or use the internet properly. Poeple like you only take food from people mouth. Let somebody make you and your family starve, and then we will talk about who gets what they deserve. People like you only brin down this country.

wetman says...

licks2 I cannot believe that you are spotlighting the stupidity of our people on an internatinally viewed forum such as this. Your parents and teachers must be ashamed of you. Let me break it down for you clearly:
1. Why is it that in our country, our own people are cutting our own throats? That two month-closure is taking food out of people's mouths... just because Pinder and Fergie & company seem intent on killing the goose that is laying our golden egg. You shouldn't be ashemed to admit that if you even know ten people, at least two or three of them are earning a dollar from the hotel/tourism industry. I guess you prefer to starve your family, rather than to give thanks for what the Lord has provided. Half a loaf is better than none, eh?

2. Judging by your language, you are obviously not a lawyer (but more on that later) as you obviously mixing up your court rulings... did you read the? Can you read?. Since I do not take medication not prescribed by a doctor, nor hire a taxi driven by a man without a license, an entire salt factory cannot help you in this case. The ruling as far as I have read - ostensibly from the same sources that you have - leads me to believe that attrition between careful hotel operators and bullying union leaders opened a chasm that many innocent workers fell into. People like you, who persist in pronouncing, prosecuting and persecuting people on fragments of misunderstood rumshop talk only devalue the weel-being and progress of our society. You, sir, are an abandoned, moss-covered millstone.

3. A labour disoute is a labour dispute. Period. Employers hire people, who agree to terms of employment, and they are paid for their job. Employees don't invite a business to be set up so they can get a job and in turn dictate to the business owners how they should run their shop. I se that you are conveniently ignoring the fact, that even though legal roceedings and protocol was being followed, some workers (and I can call names) were bullying their colleagues to sabotage the hotel's operations. Yes, I said it. Sabotage. You know what the penalty for corporate sabotage is? Some people shoule be thankful that they weren't prosecuted and charged.

4. And finally... your abject lack of grammar and communication skills will make any outsider think that we all operate like you. You are too shameless to think that simply because you have a free, public anaonymous forum, that you are free to spew your ignorance. I am not afriad to tell you that in your face in person. Pick a public space - KFC, McDonald's, Original Patties, whereever - and I will tell you the same.

In short:
a) Learn to read
b) Learn to write
c) Learn to understand (my humblest apology if you are afflicted with Asperger's)
d) Learn internet etiquette (and stop using all caps)
e) Learn to spell, or use spell check
f) Be sensible
g) Be wise
h) And, as a cockroach, remember to always stay out of the fowl's business

Have a great day.