Comment history

whatsup says...

Dictator still has Emergency Powers to May 23rd....why???

whatsup says...

Why do politicians get so much praise for doing things with our tax dollars?

whatsup says...

Okay God

whatsup says...

Why does pm still have emergency force us to take vaccine...make it mandatory? Probably will wait til after elections in May or June to enforce

whatsup says...


whatsup says...

Thought we were all lockdown and on curfew....who were committing the crimes? Police?

whatsup says...

What are the side affects of this vaccine?

whatsup says...

Challenge sounds so good.....who the hell wants to wear a mask all day for 100 days?...just the start so we can get used to taking orders. Remember the two weeks lockdown last March...that is all they asked for and we all complied without a beep. I know it is Biden is asking for this like President Trump asked for two weeks and this country followed like sheep.

whatsup says...

If enough of them say it enough...many will believe. brainwashing citizens

whatsup says...

Most of Govt. is delusional and are destroying our beautiful country for their political gain, power and money. They do nothing for love of country and people. Every politician in this country have become rich very quickly, once elected. all about money, money, money...just ask