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whogothere says...

Why push big tourism on small islands? Particularly when the Gov have not addressed the infrastructures issue that these projects cause - fix water, power, trash, housing issues first, then nourish and encourage small boutique hotels that are more likely to buy local and employ locally second - What works in Nassau doesn't work everywhere. Most of the money these big projects is spent out side of the country - on materials and specialised labor during the construction process. Then when the project is complete they end up bringing foreign labor to run them because experience and labor resource of running 'big' business is limited in the out islands...Common sense dictates that development should be scaled to the infrastructure and labor resources available to an island....

Disappointing outlook from our tourism minister...

whogothere says...

They could not run wire from North Eleuthera to Hatchet bay...let's see how this goes..

On $100m roadworks for Eleuthera revealed

Posted 18 March 2024, 6:36 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

I'm old enough to remember when there wasn't a billion revenue coming in from Vat...yet somehow the government has, despite spending our tax dollars so easily, stilled failed to improve the countries infrastructure, schools, public services in general and seems to be consistently running out of money...

whogothere says...

A BPL spokesperson yesterday affirmed these woes, and described them as “an extremely unusual event as we recently installed additional generation ahead of the Harbour Island Regatta in October to accommodate the additional load demands typical with this time of year” "

Lol how unusual is it when it consistently happens...? bec/bpl/Whatever simply have no idea of what they are dealing with - every year the island(country) is probably significantly busier (between population growth, new legal and illegal immigrants or tourism increase) and demand for electricity and water has grown beyond their capacity to supply it consistently...If it's not generation it's distribution - leaking pipes, unfinished power lines and worn out transformers...It's always an emergency because they pre-plan just keep on building...keep the money management of resources or planning for the future. Sigh..

On Briland ‘emergency’ over utility outages

Posted 28 November 2023, 5:50 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

I guess they have to pay for dat vat decrease somehow.. corporate income tax.. and NIB is personal income tax by another name simple facts…

whogothere says...

Like he said - an expense problem..

whogothere says...

> There is talk of 1,500 permanent jobs – though does San Salvador have a labour pool sufficient to cater to those needs? If not, then where will those workers come from, and where will they live? Who will do the construction? How much of that $1bn will go into the Bahamian economy?

This fundamentally are the questions.. Out side of Nassau and Freeport the scale of these developments are not sustainable - does Sans Sal have the labor - nope... Where will outside labor live?...who knows... Who will do construction? - Foreign company or a politician's friend...And how much of that 1b will go in to Bahamian economy - I'd say well below 1 percent. And how much gov revenue was lost by yet another foreign concession buffet? I'd bet not enough to cover to the social and infrastructure pressure this sort of project will exert on the community..

whogothere says...

Correct - very soon there will be little no coastline available to Bahamians... Colonisation appears subtly at first then becomes blatantly obtrusive...

whogothere says...

This is wild. What's the old line - innocent until proven guilty?