Comment history

whybahamas says...

How did they hook up to BEC and Water & Sewage? I'm a Bahamian, I had to take papers proving I owned the land, was a legal resident and more to get connected. I tried to get Cable Bahamas installed early but was told I needed an occupancy permit before I could get it.

whybahamas says...

Over the past year to maybe two years, driving at least weekly on the highway between Marsh Harbour and Treasure Cay, I've been amazed how many people are passing on corners and into oncoming traffic. I'm not talking about waiting a little late to pass, these fools are passing causing the oncoming car to slow down to avoid a collision. They are passing on a blind corner where they are on the wrong side of the road while driving through the corner.
I'm amazed that there aren't weekly head on collisions.
Then there's the usual pulling onto the highway at the last minute in front of you, causing you to slam on the brakes to avoid a collision.

On One dead, four hurt in crash

Posted 4 April 2018, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

whybahamas says...

Why is it that illegals continue to build whatever and wherever they want, but as soon as a Bahamian digs a hole in the ground or puts up a fence, government officials are swarming like flies to stop you?

whybahamas says...

You mean Tampico the liquid sugar drink? Anyone ever look at the label on one of them? It is loaded with sugar then two types of artificial sweeteners on top of that!
No wonder the Bahamas leads the world in diabetes and obesity.

whybahamas says...

Your ignorance on this is truly astonishing.

whybahamas says...

The average Bahamian is just nasty and doesn't see this as being a problem.
Honestly, has anyone ever seen a government run building that was clean? I'm still looking!

whybahamas says...

There's no doubt that many have bought their license, but just because someone knows what they're doing is wrong, isn't going to stop them from doing it.

On $660,000 missing from Road Traffic

Posted 11 November 2015, 6:34 a.m. Suggest removal

whybahamas says...

So what happens to me if I went to the big shiny new government building in Marsh Harbour, went into the Road traffic office and paid cash and received my license stickers like I've always done and they didn't record the transaction? I did nothing wrong, but I could potentially be driving around with illegal stickers.

On $660,000 missing from Road Traffic

Posted 10 November 2015, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

whybahamas says...

They're just trying to buy more votes for the PLP. If this same government somehow manages to get re-elected, I'm moving. There's no future with them in charge.

whybahamas says...

Anyone who has a high school diploma and attended college should be able to at least write a coherent paragraph. If your resume looked anything like what you just posted here, I wouldn't expect a call from the company.
Also, extra points for bringing race into it when clearly most of the applicants were not white.
"i went inside and the white lady asked me"