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willvacainmaybutscared says...

I am in the states and everyone I talk to knows of the murders and corrupt government and the HIGH taxes charged to tourists. What I don't get is how the people and government don't get that by creating a paradise for us tourists, we will save up our money all year long from our jobs and give it all to you in that one week vacation spent there. Don't you want our hard earned money that we've been saving?????? We GLADLY will give it to you if you provide us with a week of paradise from our normal, mundane, working lives.

We tourists will spend twice as much for that hamburger that we eat here. Pay outrageous fees for a one hour jet ski ride, fork over cash just to catch a fish on vacation even thou we know these things are overpriced, we are willing to pay for them. The people of the Bahamas should be creating a beautiful place and the people should also be living a beautiful life and have a life that other people dream of. But, are pushing our money to another country that wants and works for it while you are creating a nightmare of a life that brings PITTY, not envy, from tourists. Get. Your. Act.Together, Mon'

On Ruined reputation

Posted 11 March 2015, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

willvacainmaybutscared says...

There is no headliner. They can't find an artist with any fame willing to do it. It is a step-down for a pop (current) celeb to be headling in a country so ridden with heavy crime. They could pay a 'has-been' to come because they are need the money- but no current artist will do this gig and that's what the government is finding out. You don't pay out 1 million or more for a headliner then keep the name mum....that's what you are paying for, their drawing people to the event-- Sad for Bahamas because they are losing business from us know, your main source of income as a country. Stupid people are running your government and ruining your chances of your people having a good lifestyle.

willvacainmaybutscared says...

You are correct, all news it a 300 lb. fish caught off the Bahamas waters, or, a murder, it is all news and we get it instantly as it happens. I am in Virginia. US So hiding negative news on the bad page of the paper will do nothing. Everyone in the states is well aware of the high crime and the violent attacks. My two cents, hope it helps.

On UPDATED: One dead, one injured in shooting

Posted 6 March 2015, 10:07 p.m. Suggest removal

willvacainmaybutscared says...

Thank you for the reply, we will go and enjoy the beautiful Bahamas.

willvacainmaybutscared says...

Are they trying to attract a crowd from outside to come to carnival? I am from the outside (States) and we would NEVER book a trip to Bahamas to see a US headliner. Why on earth would we want to go there when we can see them here? And for cheap?

Also, unless they are trying to just be a local event ( 9 million is ALOT for a street festival), I would not go to the Bahamas during carnival out of FEAR of getting stabbed in the crowd, mugged, raped or murdered in the street- and with all that noise, who would come to my aid?

I think Junkaoo when I think of Nassau, Bahamas....but I don't think carnival. Carnival belongs to New Orleans and Brizal .........Junkanoo is your marketing tool outside of your country. My first Junkanoo was over 35 years ago on my honeymoon....that might be why I think the way I do. yes?

On Still no headliner for carnival

Posted 4 March 2015, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

willvacainmaybutscared says...

My family has vacationed in Bahamas over the last 35 years and have planned a May week in a house on Eastern Rd. near the end or point. I have never thought about cancelling or not vacationing in Bahamas but am now. Have three grandbabies (under one year to 4 yrs.) going along with hubby and our 3 grown children and their spouses ....I don't want any harm to them. What say you, the residents, should we cancel and find a new place to vacation? Pickpockets I can handle, robbery and murder just plain scares me. Your advise is greatly appreciated. Thanks

willvacainmaybutscared says...

I am from US, have been visiting Nassau and Bahamas since honeymoon over 35 years ago. I have seen much change in amount of crime, not just 'beware of pick pockets' like it was told to us so long ago. Hubby, three grown kids and their spouses and 3 little grand tots and I have rented a home on the East End third week in May 2015. I am, for the first time ever, a bit unsure if I should cancel due to fear of a break-in or robbery.

I read your newspaper from time to time and I feel if residents are afraid, us visitors should be too. Maybe more. Any advice if we should cancel and go somewhere else? Your country is beautiful and most of the people are warm and welcoming's the thugs, drugs, and thieves that scare me. Thanks in advance.