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wngriff says...

To reduce the high number of traffic fatalities, how about having police officers crack down on the speeding and ticketing those drivers? Also they could crack down on the reckless jitney drivers as well. With that, more money for Public Treasury. By implementing an automated system could cost the Government $$$ then they probably have to increase fees to pay for the system.

wngriff says...

That was the lady from PMH had stated in the press conference, but many comments were made, people were negatively commenting that donating blood is not the issue but about the lack of care at the hospital

wngriff says...

That's a great decision. Think about it, because of the outbreak, many persons are out of work, great opportunity for some to join the bandwagon and take advantage of the opportunity a hand. An excellent way to earn income during this crisis. Dr. Minnis is indeed looking out for the people

wngriff says...

I just saw a statement from the Office of the PM forwarded to another WhatsApp group, saying that voice note was false. One thing I hate about social media, WhatsApp in particular, are voice notes and false news.

wngriff says...

I just listened to a voice note that was forwarded to my family chat group, the man said that on Monday he believes that the PM will announce to shut down all business, including the food stores for 30 days. The man encourages everyone to go buy their groceries now and after Monday it will be too late.. That worried me at first and then I thought about it for a second, there is no way possible for the PM to shut down the food stores. We need to eat and survive. I don't have the money nor a place to store all this food for me and my family for 30 days. Our freezer on our fridge don't have the space,, there is no way to purchase a month worth of milk and produce, it will spoil or rotten!! The food stores do have measures in place for social distancing.

wngriff says...

That is a bad decision, people who are unable to purchase tickets, they come out specifically for the second lap (when it's daylight), they are also able to get good free seats. The second lap will be great, its good for the tourist. Hope this not permanent for future parades.

On Junkanoo cut to a single lap

Posted 31 December 2014, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

wngriff says...

Daphne Campbell is very disrespectful to the Bahamas. The Bahamian Government are not targeting just Haitians, they are after those who are living here in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas illegally. Unfortunately the Government has been too lenient on this issue for a long time, and now they are cracking down on their illegal immigration problem...point blank!! I'm American, a foreign national, married to a Bahamian, who is here legally as a Permanent Resident, even though I'm not born here, I have the UPMOST respect for this country!! Romans 13:1-7 says, "1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4 For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." Again, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas are just enforcing their laws, and those who are residing here illegally have to respect the laws here. If they want to stay here, they need to get their status straight, if not, they are law breakers and deserve punishment. The punishment is to send their hip back to their home country, that is not discrimination!! If a person is living in my home country, the United States of America illegally, Uncle Sam would send them back quickly. The USA don't play when it comes to immigration!! Now let her say that to America when the Department of Immigration sends a boat load of her people back to her homeland and cry out "Boycott America, Boycott America!!" You know what will happen to her? Her hip would be right there on that same little boat!

On Bishop: Tell Haitians to respect the law

Posted 14 November 2014, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal

wngriff says...

I hope the Road Traffic Department, "automate" the process when a person gets their car licensed every year. The handwriting of them car window decals is so antiquated. Its the 21st Century for crying out loud, I hope they plan to computerize that process as well!! This will dramatically cut down on the line when processing all the paperwork. It will be a great idea that a person will drive up, the car is inspected, the decal is scanned, the information is sent to the cashier, present your insurance, you pay and your on your way!! Whatever way they automate this system would save the Government lots of $$$$$$!!


wngriff says...

I hope the Road Traffic Department, "automate" the process when a person gets their car licensed every year. The handwriting of them car window decals is so antiquated. Its the 21st Century for crying out loud, I hope they plan to computerize that process as well!! This will dramatically cut down on the line when processing all the paperwork. It will be a great idea that a person will drive up, the car is inspected, the decal is scanned, the information is sent to the cashier, present your insurance, you pay and your on your way!! Whatever way they automate this system would save the Government lots of $$$$$$!!