Comment history

xxx says...

we need hand gun's to protect we self & our dpm ….!


Posted 10 December 2013, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

xxx says... papa say don't be expecting more from a tird world country ....bol

On 2013 Jollification

Posted 25 November 2013, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

xxx says...

50% not graduating from Hi school .........? And day want mo money for that ...WHY NOT

On 200 teachers march on Rawson Square

Posted 21 November 2013, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

xxx says...

oh boy why she aint talking bout the 300% increase on legal licensed gun's ...
Your gonna turn GOOD people into criminals when they can no longer afford a legal gun. These are clean police record voters that are now going to have to locate other ways to protect there families ....

xxx says...

The MP got a hand gun ........ Why cant the law abiding citizens have one as well..?

xxx says...

Hold up they sold Bracelet & Tin-Firl last lap ..... so allowed to sell mo a da same ?
Back fer round 2 ..... OMG

xxx says...

See if she had a GUN she may have been able to help herself & her son .....OMG

On Police officer held

Posted 16 November 2013, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

xxx says...

1/2 getting leaving school certificate ....... Dat good enough for Voting ,and Bed Making EH? Dat Some Good work she doing ..... strike gal strike

On Teachers to step up protest

Posted 16 November 2013, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal