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yakee says...

your government is a disgrace,they are not interested in you,they only care about there own pockets,what they can get out of this,its about high time the folk of the Bahamas woke up and acknowledged this,everyone else can see it,your government wants percentages ,percentages of nothing because nothing has been found,nothing has been drilled,succesive Bahamian governments have burdened there country with uncontrollable debt,this is now a great opportunity for your contry to rise again into a more stable financial country,your government is not argueing about spills,they don't care about that,they only care about whats in it for them,not you or me,for themselves,let bpc get on with it and prove there is oil under those waters,until then all this nonsense about percentages is just crazy talk.we have spent a lot of money on the good understanding of Bahamian law,we have abided by the Bahamian principles and we have never wavered from that,but now your government are trying to shift goal posts,it cant be done,they are turning your country into the laughing stock of the carribean,its about time you sorted your politicians out,let them drill,let them find oil,then we can discuss the future,this is the very solution the Bahamas people need to remove them from this fiscal nightmare you are in,good luck sir