Comment history

yari says...

Fred Smith and the so-called ‘rights’ group should be ashamed for fighting for the illegals to live in squalor and allowing them to stay in harm’s way and die. There is no xenophobia rather there is enforcement of laws that exist to protect citizens. Why are they so anxious to move back into a unsanitary and unsafe location instead of improving their living conditions? I am tired of the ridiculous arguments from this group and their lawyers.

yari says...

I am sure Bahamians died abroad in similar situations under Mitchell's tenure. What did he do differently? The families are grieving and playing politics is unhelpful and dishonest. It is cruel and denies them closure.

On Turin two: We’ve done all we can

Posted 26 June 2019, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

yari says...

Simply crazy to kill someone over a damaged car. I hope he rots in jail.

yari says...

Accidents happen. River banks are slippery and I have fallen countless times. This Tribune report is all over the place and unhelpful and adds to the families pain. As Greentea said get a proper translation and report in a responsible manner.

On Autopsies reveal friends drowned

Posted 11 June 2019, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal

yari says...

The people who object to the appropriate attire rule have no problem with not even being allowed to take their car keys or cell phone in the U. S. Embassy. We have a nation of hypocrites and complainers.

On Properly dressed or it’s ‘don’t come in’

Posted 14 December 2018, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

yari says...

Looking at the picture that accompanies this article it is clear that the building does not follow earthquake code which is steel in every half block and exterior walls poured concrete. If you keep building substandard buildings you will always have damage - what happened to the billions in aid after 2010? It certainly didn't go into infrastructure!

yari says...

Tell me how having a number man grandfather and Honesty and Integrity roads align? How does that help the story other than full disclosure? The article humanizes her and throws doubt on Bannister's version but the back and forth takes too much of her energy and it would be better to let matters play out and vindicate her.

yari says...

Just to see how ridiculous they can be. You like to know the noise in the market.

yari says...

The Tribune obviously is on their anti-Minnis agenda. This article is utter nonsense and not attributed to any journalist. We don't have to cater to illegal aliens and other law-breakers. Just enforce the law - including building codes and stop making it about anything else. Those who don't wish to live among ordinary Bahamians feel free to return to your community/communities of origin. No one wants you to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. Go home.

yari says...

Why is this case not being tried in the Bahamas? ' Among other terms, Mrs Sherman granted the Bahamas National Festival Commission (BNFC) the 'unconditional right to use the song in any manner whatsoever'. Always read the fine print...