Comment history

yeahyasee says...

Bahamasair ain' hiring eh? Employment retention policy LOL

Bahamasair is not a real place.

On Gov’t targeting $74.5m in additional spending

Posted 26 February 2021, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

yeahyasee says...

LOL spot on.

Nothing ever happens they just Audit and on to the next.

On NIB ‘lost control’ of $11m housing loan

Posted 26 February 2021, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

yeahyasee says...


On Nurse chief: Why have we still not been paid?

Posted 12 January 2021, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

yeahyasee says...


On Patron winnings tax 'on a game, not Bahamians'

Posted 23 December 2020, 8:31 a.m. Suggest removal

yeahyasee says...


yeahyasee says...

An official at the consulate office could not be reached up to press time. However, Minister of Foreign Affairs Darren Henfield said the officers in question are no longer employed at the consulate.

^^Thats' about the last you'll hear of this story, they're not working there no more so it won't happen again yah see LOL

On Consular staff abused finances

Posted 23 October 2020, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

yeahyasee says...

Could not agree more, and to top it off nobody will be penalized.

yeahyasee says...


On Bannister: No load shedding this summer

Posted 9 July 2020, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

yeahyasee says...

He continued: "And, we hope that as soon as travel permits that we and senior technical officers will have a familiarisation visit so that they would be able to go and meet face-to-face with their counterparts so that you have a face to go with a name or an email address.

What happen to Zoom, Webex, MS Teams, Skype. Really have to meet face to face? Lol

yeahyasee says...

Spot on!